Adapting to a Hard Situation: BIPA Teachers' Successful Strategies for Teaching Local Culture During the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Prayitno Tri Laksono Universitas Islam Malang, Malang, Indonesia
  • Febti Ismiatun Universitas Islam Malang, Malang, Indonesia
Keywords: BIPA, Bahasa Indonesia, Local culture, Teaching strategies, Online learning


Teaching culture is now highly challanging for teachers of Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (henceforth: BIPA) or Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers since it is conducted online during pandemic. Several strategies had been offered by numerous researchers and educators to be applied in BIPA teaching yet the results remained unsatisfactory. Thus, this study aimed to explore the strategy used in teaching local culture by BIPA teachers during online learning. Using descriptive qualitative design, researchers recruited thirty-three BIPA teachers who have experience teaching local culture for one year. They came from Indonesia, Malaysia, Switzerland, and Philipphines.Triangulation data were applied by distributing the questionnaires, conducting online classroom observation, and doing in-depth interviews. After all data were gathered, researchers followed the Miles and Huberman flow model for analysis. The results showed that BIPA teachers had limited time and interaction in the hard situation during the pandemic, therefore, teaching local culture by using online platform as one of the solutions since the students cannot interact directly with Indonesian speakers was worth to conduct. To support teaching local culture, BIPA teachers implemented three strategies, including watching cultural video shows, simplifying reading, and providing foreign students with more role-playing activities to engage with local cultures material. These strategies adequately assisted them in understanding the concept of Indonesian local culture and supported their communication ability with Indonesian speakers.


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Author Biographies

Prayitno Tri Laksono, Universitas Islam Malang, Malang, Indonesia

The author is a lecturer and experienced practitioner in teaching Indonesian to Foreign Speakers (BIPA) since 2010. The author has extensive experience teaching BIPA in various international settings, including Thailand and Uzbekistan, as well as teaching foreign students in Indonesia. Additionally, the author has written BIPA textbooks, served as a member of the East Java APPBIPA board, and focused on BIPA research.

The author is passionate about sharing Indonesian language and culture with the world community, and has actively contributed to the flagship BIPA teaching program abroad since 2016, which is supported by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture's Language Agency. Moreover, the author has organized numerous BIPA programs at Universitas Islam Malang, including the Darmasiswa program of Republic of Indonesia, a summer course in collaboration with Prince of Songkhla University in Phuket, Thailand, a summer course in collaboration with Uzbekistan, and other regular BIPA programs.

Febti Ismiatun, Universitas Islam Malang, Malang, Indonesia

Febti Ismiatun is a lecturer in the English Education Department at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Malang (Unisma Malang), Indonesia. Her primary research interests include language learning strategies (LLSs) and teaching speaking in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT). She specializes in qualitative research methods and regularly teaches undergraduate research and public speaking courses at Unisma Malang. Dr. Ismiatun has collaborated on research projects with both national and international authors, and her work has been published in reputable journals both in Indonesia and abroad. She is currently the managing editor of the Journal of Research on English and Language Learning (J-REaLL), which is indexed in Sinta 4. 


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How to Cite
Laksono, P. T., & Ismiatun, F. (2023). Adapting to a Hard Situation: BIPA Teachers’ Successful Strategies for Teaching Local Culture During the COVID-19 Pandemic. REiLA : Journal of Research and Innovation in Language, 5(1), 63-76.
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