Pelatihan Bank Sampah Sebagai Solusi Mengatasi Ekosentris Lingkungan di Lenggopan Desa Pasir Pengaraian Kecamatan Rambah Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Riau

  • Sischa Febriani Yamesa Away Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
  • Urfi Utami Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
  • Hendry Kurniawan Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
  • Hendry Kurniawan Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
Keywords: Training, Environmental Ecocentric, Waste Bank, Waste Processing


The main problem faced by the people of Lenggopan Village, Pasir Pengaraian Village, Rambah District, Rokan Hulu Regency, Riau Province is the lack of knowledge about how to process plastic waste and food waste. direct observation at the location, people tend to burn household waste without sorting it out first. Some people still throw garbage on the banks of the river so that it interferes with the view and causes an unpleasant odor. The author provides training to the lenggopan community to process plastic into wall hangings, bags, and flower vases. Meanwhile, organic waste is processed into compost. This is because most of the Lenggopan people are oil palm plantation farmers. With the compost is expected to reduce the consumption of chemical fertilizers. The target is that the Lenggopan community can make fertilizer from household waste and the Lenggopan community can also make handicrafts in the form of wall decorations, flower vases, fertilizer bags themselves in their respective homes and can promote and market their products. The output target of this PKM activity is expected to increase partner empowerment which will be published in national research journals with ISSN. Meanwhile, the PKM activity plan is carried out by means of lectures and direct training practices to the community.


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