Pemanfaatan Limbah Abu Sawit Untuk Pembuatan Paving Block Geopolimer di Desa Pasir Utama

  • Harriad Akbar Syarif Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
  • Danang Saputra Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
  • Luth Fimawahib Universitas Pasir Pengaraian
Keywords: Paving Block, Geopolymer, Palm Oil Fuel Ash


Rokan Hulu Regency is one of the regencies in Riau Province which has an area of ​​7588 km2. Rokan Hulu Regency has natural resources in the form of oil palm plantations. With the large number of palm oil fuel ash industries, many problems arise regarding palm ash waste which requires vacant land to accommodate the rest of the palm oil fuel ash. On the one hand, this waste accumulation of palm oil fuel  ash results in the preservation of the surrounding environment. Palm oil fuel ash is a raw material for geopolymers because the elements contained can be activated into cement substitute adhesives. Through the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia No: P.84/MENLHK-SETJEN/KUM.1/11/2016 regarding the Climate Village Program and followed by the Governor of  Riau Instruction No: 01/INK-HK/I/2017 concerning Guidance, Mentoring and Strengthening the Location of the Climate Village Program in Riau Province, Pasir Utama Village in Rambah Hilir District, Rokan Hulu Regency, became one of the villages that received the ProKlim predicate in the form of an Appreciation Charter. The implementation method in the stimulus community partnership program that will be implemented is the transfer of science and technology, namely the processing and utilization of palm oil fuel  ash waste into geopolymer paving block products by developing a business unit in BUMDes in realizing ProKlim. Village communities will be given knowledge and training to process and utilize palm oil fuel  ash waste in the manufacture of environmentally friendly geopolymer paving blocks. The geopolymer mixture is a product of the utilization of palm oil fuel ash as a substitute for cement which is applied in the manufacture of paving block products. Paving block products provide a positive value from the environmental aspect by utilizing palm oil fuel ash waste and reducing the amount of cement used. This positive value is combined with ProKlim which is promoted by the government which can increase business units in helping the economy of the village community.


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