Sistem Penerangan Pendopo Ponpes Tahfiz Al- Qudz Menggunakan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS)

  • David Setiawan Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Hamzah Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Lasri Nijal Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Juswandi Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: solar panels, pendopo, energy saving, lighting


The pavilion is often used for meetings or activities that are carried out while relaxing, studying in the pavilion by enjoying the open space, will open up the mood and be able to see the views off. Every Islamic boarding school, pavilion is not only used for independent study and memorizing the Koran, sometimes guests who come prefer to sit in the pavilion rather than in an office or classroom. Given the multifunctional function of the pavilion, an adequate lighting system is needed to support students reading and doing activities in the pavilion. With the addition of a lighting system in the pavilion, it will certainly increase the electricity costs that will be incurred every month. During a power outage, the pavilion will appear dark so there are no activities and activities that can be carried out there. Solar power plant (PLTS) is a power plant that utilizes sunlight as its energy source, sunlight is converted into electricity using solar panels. The electricity generated is stored in the battery/battery, during the day, the electricity generated can be used to charge cellphones and so on, while at night, the electrical energy stored in the battery is used as an energy source for lights or lighting systems. This Solar Power Generation System is a solution to the problems faced by partners, namely there are no electricity costs incurred by the lighting system in the pavilion and the lights stay on even though the PLN is experiencing interference. The service team hopes that the results of this service can add to the knowledge of students that nature has energy potential that can be utilized for various purposes as well as a solution to the problem of high electricity costs and darkness in the pavilion when there are power outages..


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