Teknologi cloud storage dengan google drive sebagai penunjang paperless Office

  • Lisnawita Lisnawita Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Lucky Lhaura Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Fajrizal Fajrizal Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: Google Drive, Guttman Scale, Administrative Staff


Administration in the school is usually handled by the administration, Which includes archival activities Which contains data and information services. In addition to the administrative handling required a skill Because if the administrators do not have the expertise,Then the school administration would be a mess. Archive storage is still done manually So less effective and efficient And spent a lot of paper As well as a place for filing cabinets, And consequently administrative personnel have difficulty finding important documents, Sometimes the document is tucked and some are missing. With the Google Drive Application can help the Administration In Document management, The target of training is the selected Administrative Staff of SMA Negeri 2 Pekanbaru. Participants in attendance amounted to 7 people. From the training the Administrative Power is able to use google drive application A total of 5 people and able to upload and Share File. Evaluations were conducted at the end of the training by distributing questionnaires to measure participants' level of understanding. Questionnaire contains questions related to the identity of respondents; Frequently asked questions about Google Drive utilization and other Google Drive-related questions. Calculation of questionnaires using Guttman scale. Evaluation results show 80.36% has increased knowledge And the ability of participants in the use of Google Drive applications is seen from the questionnaire calculations per individual and per question submitted.


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