Enhancement Activity Study Student Through the Project Based Learning (PjBL) Learning Model for Primary School Science Subjects 62 Mukai Mudik
Research This aim For increase activity student in science learning uses a learning model Project Based Learning in class IV SDN 62 Mukai Mudik. Study This is study action covering classes planning , implementation , observation and reflection . Subject study is class IV at SDN 62 Mukai Mudik, totaling 23 people. Instruments used in study This is sheet observation teacher activities and sheets activity student . Data analyzed use formula percentage activity . Research result show that application of learning models Project Based Learning can increase activity student . This matter proven with enhancement activity from cycle I to cycle II, where the average activity in cycle I is the indicator discuss group 68.1% increased in cycle II 80.4%, indicator finish projects in cycle I increased 82.5% to 86.9% in cycle II, indicator make reports in cycle I increased 47.7% to 71.7% in cycle II. Can concluded that happen enhancement activity students at SDN 62 Mukai Mudik learn science using a learning model Project Based Learning , for That It is recommended that teachers can using a learning model Project Based Learning in the learning process .