Enhancement Activity Study Student Through the Project Based Learning (PjBL) Learning Model for Primary School Science Subjects 62 Mukai Mudik

  • Siska Angreni Bung Hatta University
  • Festiyed Festiyed Padang State University
  • Lufri Lufri
Keywords: Activity Students, Science Project Based Learning Model Science


Research This aim For increase activity student in science learning uses a learning model Project Based Learning in class IV SDN 62 Mukai Mudik. Study This is study action covering classes planning , implementation , observation and reflection . Subject study is class IV at SDN 62 Mukai Mudik, totaling 23 people. Instruments used in study This is sheet observation teacher activities and sheets activity student . Data analyzed use formula percentage activity . Research result show that application of learning models Project Based Learning can increase activity student . This matter proven with enhancement activity from cycle I to cycle II, where the average activity in cycle I is the indicator discuss group 68.1% increased in cycle II 80.4%, indicator finish projects in cycle I increased 82.5% to 86.9% in cycle II, indicator make reports in cycle I increased 47.7% to 71.7% in cycle II. Can concluded that happen enhancement activity students at SDN 62 Mukai Mudik learn science using a learning model Project Based Learning , for That It is recommended that teachers can using a learning model Project Based Learning in the learning process .


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