The Critical Role of Instrument Design in Achieving Research Objectives: an in-depth Review

  • Oria Lasmana Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
  • Festiyed Festiyed Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
  • Abdul Razak Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
  • Muhyiatul Fadilah Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Instrument Design, Alignment, Research Objectives


Instrument is a term commonly used by researchers to refer to measurement tools, such as questionnaires or checklists. The process of selecting research instruments is a very important step in the research process because this instrument is used to measure research variables. The type of research instrument to be used is determined based on data requirements analysis. It is important for research instruments to be able to capture each variable according to its conceptual or theoretical definition. In this research, articles about education registered in international journals were analyzed, focusing on research methods and instruments. Based on research results and reviews examining articles about education, it was noted that the USA, Indonesia and China were the countries with the largest number of articles. The findings show that the number of articles about education. This is also shown in the percentage distribution of research methods in the journals reviewed, the quantitative number is 46%. Test instruments can be used as measurements or assessments for research needs and in this study there were 25 studies with test instruments.


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