Analysis of Elementary School Students' Creativity Through Project Based Learning Model in designing IPA Learning Media Based on Inorganic Waste
By applying the PjBL model in processing waste into learning media, it is expected to increase the creativity of elementary school students. The purpose of this study was to analyze the creativity of elementary school students through the PjBL model in designing inorganic waste-based science learning media. This research is a pre-experimental design type The One Group Pre-test- Post-test. The population of this study were all fifth grade students of SD N 30 Aie Dingin, totaling 25 people. Data collection with tests and product assessments. Assessment of student-designed media using CPAM's creative product assessment rubric and measuring the improvement of students' cognitive learning outcomes with N-gain. From the research that has been done, the results show that the creativity of fifth grade students of SDN 30 Aie Dingin is in very creative criteria with a score of 84.7%. Meanwhile, the students' pretest score was 68.96, increasing to 86.88 in the posttest results. The project-based learning model has been proven to improve student learning outcomes in science. The PjBL model is said to be able to increase students' creativity in processing inorganic waste into learning media.
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