Increasing Students’ Motivation in Learning Present Continuous Tense by YouTube Video at IX Grade of MTSN 2 Pekanbaru
This research is conducted to find out whether contextual learning using YouTube videos in teaching present continuous tense can increase students' learning motivation and what factors make it increases students' learning motivation. The research method used was Classroom Action Research (CAR). where the researchers distributed questionnaires to students and conducted interviews and field observations. The findings are: there are 3 students (12,500%) have high motivation, 17 students (70,883%) have moderate motivation, and only 4 students (16,667%) have low learning motivation. Meanwhile, from the interviews and observations, students appeare to have high motivation in learning with indications: like to learn, English is a fun lesson, easier to understand, more focused, and more enjoy and relax. This proves that contextual learning using YouTube videos in teaching present continuous tense can really increase student learning motivation in class IX MTs N 2 Pekanbaru.
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