Ultilizing Power Point Presentations to Enhance Learning Results in the Social Sciences for Seventh Grade Students at SMPN 4 Mandau District of Bengkalis District

  • Ariyanti Ariyanti Korwilcam Mandau Bathin Solapan, Bengkalis, Riau, Indonesia
  • Surya Ira Mahayani SMPN 4 Mandau, Bengkalis, Riau, Indonesia
  • M. Firdaus Graduate School of Pedagogical Sciences, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
  • Shelvie Famella Graduate School of Pedagogical Sciences, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
Keywords: Activities, Learning Motivation, Learning Results, PowerPoint Media


The motivation and learning outcomes of students in social studies clacc VII D at SMP Negeri 4 Mandau, Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency are still low. This is caused by factors such as infrastructure in schools and learning processes that are not yet optimal. Therefore, efforts need to be made to improve social studies learning, one of which is by using PowerPoint media. PowerPoint media has not been optimally applied in learning, so it is interesting to use asresearch material. This research aims to determine wheter the application of Power Point media can increase student motivation and learning outcomes in social studies subjects in class VII D of SMP Negeri 4 Mandau. This research is CAR (Classroom Action Research) research which includes planning, implementation, observation and reflection.The data source for this research is students in class VII D of SMP Negeri 4 Mandau,Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency. As for collecting data through observation, interviews, questionnaires, documentation and tests. The validity of the data used in this research is the triangulation method method. This research uses two forms of data analysis,namely quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis.The results of this research indicate that implementing learning using PowerPoint media can increase the social studies learning motivation of class VII D students at  SMP Negeri 4 Mandau, Bengkalis Regency. This can be seen from the increase in motivation based on the results of the questionnire that occurs in each cycle. In cycle I the average class activity or motivation before the action was 83,07 %, after the action in cycle II the average class activity was 91,28% or an increase ot 8,21%. In cycle I the average class evaluation was 80,00%, after the action the average class avaluation was 91,71% or an increase of 11, 71%. Thus, the application of PowerPoint media can increase student activity or motivation and learning outcomes in social studies subjects in class VII D of SMP Negeri 4 Mandau,Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency.


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