Efforts to Enhance 5th Grade Student Learning Outcomes on Volume of Spatial Buildings Using Make a Match Cooperative Learning Model
This research aims to improve student learning outcomes in the volume of space material in class V UPT SDN 019 Pandau Jaya through the application of the make a match type cooperative learning model. Thirty students participated in a learning cycle where action was conducted using a classroom action research approach. Observation sheets, testing, and documentation are used in this research data gathering approach together with descriptive quantitative and qualitative data analysis methodologies. Written assessments are used to gather information on student learning outcomes at the conclusion of each cycle. The research results showed a significant increase in student learning completeness from pre-cycle to cycle 2, with the percentage of learning completeness increasing from 47% to 87%. Factors causing this increase include high student engagement, increased understanding of concepts, increased collaboration and communication skills, and the use of various learning styles. So the make a match model brings an active, fun and interactive learning atmosphere, and encourages students to work together to complete assignments.
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