The Impact of Using Wordwall.Net and Canva as Media Technology in Learning to Write Procedure Texts for Students of SMPN 8 Kandis

  • Margarett Henni Pratiwi Graduate School of Pedagogical Sciences, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
  • Dwi Melati Arsyad Islamic School, Indonesia
  • Almond Harry SMAN 3 Tapung, Riau, Indonesia
  • Deby Octaviani PAUD Permata Bunda, Indonesia
  • Marwa Marwa Graduate School of Pedagogical Sciences, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
  • Nurfaisal Nurfaisal Graduate School of Pedagogical Sciences, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
Keywords: Use of Technology,, Canva


This study aims to find out and improve students' understanding and learning outcomes in the Procedure Text on English Subject in class 7 of SMP N8 Kandis through technology-based application integration media, namely and Canva. Through a classroom action research approach, actions were taken in the learning cycle involving 38 students. The data collection method for this study used tests, interviews and documentation with data analysis techniques using quantitative and qualitative descriptive. Student learning outcome data were collected through tests at the end of each cycle. The results of the study showed a significant increase in student learning completeness both in terms of knowledge and skills. From the knowledge score, it can be concluded that the average increase in students from the pre-cycle was only 85.79 to 98.42 in cycle 2. While the student's skill score which was only 67.10 in the pre-cycle then increased to 88.55 in cycle 2. Data collection was also carried out through interviews to collect qualitative data. The results of the interviews were conducted to collect students' opinions as a reflection on the learning and media used. The results of the interviews showed that students felt very helped and interested in learning practices through the media and the Canva application. So, these media can create an active, fun, and non-monotonous learning atmosphere, and encourage students to work together in completing tasks.


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