Efforts to Improve Class VIIIC Student Learning Outcomes with the Think - Pair - Share Type Learning Model on Excretion System Material

  • Adro Irma MTs USB Fillial MTsN 1 Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
  • Emeraldina Emeraldina Kaifa Doha, Qatar
  • Eka Nopriyandri MTs USB Fillial MTsN 1 Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia
  • Bambang Supeno Graduate School of Pedagogical Sciences, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
  • Shelvie Famella Graduate School of Pedagogical Sciences, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia
Keywords: Integrated Science Learning Outcomes, Think-Pair-Share Model


Merdeka's curriculum is a program aimed at creating a fun education, developing skills and character, pursuing learning lags. This class action research aims to improve IPA integrated learning outcomes on human excretion system material through the application of a Think-Pair-Share learning model in class VIIIC MTs USB Branch MTsN1 Batam City Lesson Year 2023/2024. The subject of the research was a student of the VIIIC MTs USB Filial MTsN1 city of Batam composed of 35 people with a composition of 15 men and 20 women. The study was conducted using two cycles, each cycle being conducted twice face-to-face. Data compilation strategies include observations, interviews and documentation. Research results of this class action can be concluded that with the application of learning model Think-Pair-Share can improve learning outcomes and participation of students in integrated learning IPA on material excretion system in class VIIIC MTs USB Filial MTsN1 city Batam Year Lesson 2023/2024. This is demonstrated by the average percentage of student participation in each cycle increased from cycle I to cycle II: 77% to 83%, and the learning output in each Cycle increases from cycles I to II: 78% to 89%. Based on the results of interviews and observations, the whole student is moving actively, feeling happy and more happy with the Think-pair-share learning model.


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