Journal of Special Education Lectura <div class="page"> <p>Journal of Special Education Lectura adalah jurnal penelitian yang diterbitkan dan dikelola oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Khusus, Fakultas Pendidikan dan Vokasi, Universitas Lancang Kuning. Jurnal ini diharapkan dapat menjadi alat informasi dan sosialisasi mengenai hasil-hasil penelitian dari seluruh civitas akademika tentang berbagai macam inovasi dan solusi-solusi dalam berbagai persoalan bidang pendidikan khusus.</p> <p>Adapun Focus dan Scopenya adalah sebagai berikut:</p> <p>1. Pendidikan Inklusi<br>2. Intervensi Dini bagi Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus<br>3. Teknologi Asistif bagi Individu dengan Disabilitas<br>4. Pendidikan Jasmani Adaptif bagi Individu dengan Disabilitas<br>5. Layanan Pendidikan Khusus<br>6. Modifikasi Kurikulum bagi Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus<br>7. Program Pembelajaran bagi Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus<br>8. Identifikasi dan Asesmen bagi Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus</p> <p>Jurnal ini terbit dalam satu tahun sebanyak dua kali yaitu pada setiap Juni dan Desember pada masing-masing nomor.</p> </div> en-US Sun, 31 Dec 2023 13:52:09 +0000 OJS 60 Membangun Kesadaran Orang Tua terhadap Keberagaman dalam Pendidikan inklusi pada Anak Usia Dini <p>The study highlights the importance of education and training for parents to understand the concept of inclusion, respond to children's differences, and promote a positive attitude towards diversity. Inclusive early childhood education presents new challenges and opportunities in embracing diversity. The main focus of this research is to discuss efforts to build parents' awareness of diversity in the context of inclusive education. The study used a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and participatory observations of early childhood parents involved in inclusion programs. Research results show that parents' awareness of diversity in inclusive education is influenced by factors such as knowledge, personal experience, and community perception. In addition, collaboration between educational institutions and parents is considered crucial in creating an educational environment that supports children with special needs. Faced with these diverse challenges, the study provides recommendations for developing socialization programmes for parents, strengthening inter-stakeholder communication, and improving access to information related to inclusion. By building parental awareness, it can be the key to achieving inclusive and sustainable education in early childhood.</p> Rendy Amora Jofipasi, Jon Efendi, Robbi Asri Copyright (c) Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Anak Tunagrahita <p>Anak tunagrahita merupakan anak yang memiliki tingkat intelegensi dibawah rata-rata yang menyebabkan adanya hambatan dalam akademik dan perkembangan sehingga memerlukan intervensi khusus dalam pembelajaran, salah satunya adalah pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kajian literatur. Jenis penelitian ini diangkat untuk menggabungkan informasi dari beberapa penelitian sebelumnya. Berdasarkan informasi yang telah dikumpulkan media permainan seperti flashcard atau ular tangga dapat dijadikan sebagai pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, metode pendekatan SLEBEW dan TPR juga mennunjukkan adanya peningkatan pemahaman bahasa Inggris pada anak tunagrahita. Hasil kajian dari penelitian menunjukkan ada beberapa metode pendekatan dan media permainan yang dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk anak tunagrahita.</p> Effran Zudeta, Dina Fitriani, Firmansyah Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Special Education Lectura Sun, 31 Dec 2023 14:20:14 +0000 Strategi Pendidikan Inklusif Berbasis Pemikiran Al-Ghazali: Suatu Tinjauan Literatur <p>This article discusses an inclusive education strategy based on Al-Ghazali's thinking as an effort to improve access and quality of education for children with special needs. Al-Ghazali's thinking, a prominent Islamic philosopher, provides a relevant ethical and moral foundation for guiding inclusive education. This strategy involves the application of tarbiyah values (character formation) and the concept of equality in learning. Al-Ghazali’s teachings explore how education can be tailored to meet the diverse needs of students. Al Ghazali's thinking about equality and social responsibility also plays an important role in the implementation of inclusive education for students with special needs. The research aim of this article is to reveal inclusive education strategies in the development of curricula based on the character and ethical values of different learning styles, student needs, and support for students in inclusive settings. By embracing the Al-Ghazali perspective, inclusive education can be a means of building a more inclusive society that respects diversity. The results of the research show that an inclusive education strategy based on Al-Ghazali's thinking can provide a solid philosophical and ethical foundation for achieving meaningful and sustainable inclusive education. Thus, this effort not only tries to understand Al-Ghazali's educational philosophy, but also to apply it in a modern context to advance inclusive education that recognizes and respects individual diversity within society.</p> Rendy Amora Jofipasi, Jon Efendi, Robbi Asri Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Special Education Lectura Sun, 31 Dec 2023 14:31:12 +0000 Pentingnya Dukungan Lingkungan Pada Anak Tunanetra <table width="624"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="435"> <p><strong>ABSTRAK </strong></p> <p>Dampak dari hambatan yang dimiliki anak dapat menimbulkan persepsi negatif pada diri anak, sehingga citra diri anak tidak baik. Sikap yang dapat terjadi berupa rendah diri rasa malu tidak percaya diri, minder, sulit bergaul. Beberapa hal yang dapat menentukan perkembangan sosial pada anak tunanetra yaitu sikap dari orang tua, guru, dan teman sebaya. Dukungan dari orang tua sangat berpengaruh bagi prestasi anak dan keberhasilan di masa depan. Adanya dukungan emosional berupa empati dan kepedulian memberikan perhatian, apresiasi, dukungan, dan bantuan dalam bentuk apapun. Dukungan sosial dari teman sebaya dapat mempengaruhi tingkat prestasi anak dalam belajar dan dapat berpengaruh meningkatkan kemampuan yang dimiliki anak sehingga anak dapat mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Namun dalam lingkunga masyarakat, mereka dianggap tidak berguna, selalu menyusahkan orang lain, tidak memiliki masa depan yang cerah, dan lain-lain. Jika masyarakat dapat berpikir anak tunanetra memiliki kemampuan dan potensi yang baik, maka secara tidak langsung lingkungan juga membantu perkembangan sosial anak dan menciptakan citra diri yang positif, sehingga anak dapat mengeksplor lingkungan sekitar dan mengembangkan potensi atau bakat dan minat yang dimiliki anak. Studi ini menggunakan keseluruhan artikel yang disajikan dalam bentuk litertature riview mengenai pentingnya pengaruh lingkungan terhadap perkembangan sosial anak tunanetra</p> </td> <td width="0"> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2" width="435"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The impact of the obstacles that children have can lead to negative perceptions in children, so that the child's self-image is not good. Attitudes that can occur include low self-esteem, shame, lack of confidence, self-consciousness, difficulty getting along. Several things can determine the social development of blind children, namely the attitudes of parents, teachers, and peers. Support from parents is very influential for children's achievements and success in the future. The existence of emotional support in the form of empathy and caring giving attention, appreciation, support, and assistance in any form. Social support from peers can affect a child's level of achievement in learning and can affect a child's ability to improve so that the child can achieve the desired goals. However, in society, they are considered useless, always causing trouble for others, not having a bright future, and so on. If people can think that blind children have good abilities and potential, then indirectly the environment also helps children's social development and creates a positive self-image, so that children can explore their surroundings and develop their potential or talents and interests. This study uses all articles presented in the form of a literature review regarding the importance of environmental influences on the social development of blind children.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td width="0">&nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Nayya Umira Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Special Education Lectura Sun, 31 Dec 2023 14:50:09 +0000 Pengaruh Dinamika Pendekatan Psikoanalisis Terhadap Kematangan Karir Pada Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus <p>This article discusses the exploration of psychoanalytic factors that affect career maturity in children with special needs. The research focuses on psychodynamic elements that may provide insight into career development in children with special needs. By analyzing subconscious conflict, psychosexual dynamics, and defence mechanisms, the study attempts to identify key factors that play a role in the formation of career maturity. Through the identification of these factors, it is expected to reveal a richer view of the impact of psychodynamics on professional maturity of children with special needs. The research seeks to provide a better understanding of the career path of children with special needs and integrate concepts of psychoanalysis. Hopefully the results can help design more appropriate and supportive intervention approaches to help them independence and social integration through career choices that fit their potential and specific needs. The results of this research can provide a deep understanding of how psychoanalytic factors contribute to career maturity in children with special needs, with the potential to provide guidance to support their professional development and facilitate their integration into society.</p> Rendy Amora Jofipasi, Jon Efendi, Robbi Asri Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Special Education Lectura Sun, 31 Dec 2023 15:07:20 +0000