The Use of Flipped Classroom Method in Integrated English Course

  • Indah Muzdalifah Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Elvira Asril Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: Integrated English, English course, Flipped classroom, Learning English Method, Flipped Classroom Method


Flipped classroom is the method where the students conduct the activity of the class at home while the activity in the class is conducted at home. This method is one of alternative way to make the learning process running well without eliminating the essential of the learning material itself. The purpose of this research is to implemented the revolution 4.0 where the effectiveness the use of technology can be more optimal. Integrated English is one of the subjects in English Literature. It involved four important skills in English. Thus, to maximize the four skills, this class was using the video as a tool to support the learning material to become powerful. The result of this research is the three phases of flipped classroom method has been achieved. Thus, it can be concluded that the use of flipped classroom method is suitable with the subject of integrated English which it needs the larger exploration through four skills in English.


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