Analisis Kesuksesan Sistem Informasi Website Kecamatan Rumbai Menggunakan Model Delone and Mclean
The Rumbai District official website, which has been in use since 2021, still has problems with the confirmation waiting time which is quite long and the community still has to come back to check the required files. The Rumbai District official website is also still static, because there is no interactive menu facility as a form of service to the community. For this reason, it is necessary to measure the success of the Rumbai sub-district official website in terms of system quality, information quality, service quality, use, user satisfaction and benefits and find out what influences the success of the Rumbai sub-district website through the Delone and Mclean models. This is one of the strategies in developing e-government systematically through realistic and measurable stages. In addition, it can provide recommendations to the Rumbai sub-district office, especially the website development team to improve and provide optimal service according to the needs of the Rumbai sub-district community and can increase employee time efficiency in providing services to the community. With the Delone and Mclean model, quality measurements have been carried out from the Rumbai District official website, using 6 variables and 17 indicators. The results obtained are the percentage of success of the Rumbai District official website which is at a success rate of 78.5% and is declared in the "Success" category.
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