Teknologi Produksi Pada Usaha Sengulung Cik Anis Di Ujungbatu
Cik Anis’ Senggulung business in one of the home industries in Ujung Batu District. This business is a small business of processed cassava snacks into Sengulung. This business is the only one cassava processing business at Ujungbatu. This business has been produced and marketed for many years, but the most obstacle is the traditional production process and long production time. To help overcome these problems, the Stimulus Community Service (PKMS) team helped Cik Anis (partner) through the application of Appropriate Technology (TTG) in production. The implementation method is the planning stage, the implementation stage, and the monitoring and evaluation stage. Based on the results of observations and simulations, partners already proficient in using and maintaining machines/production tools. It meant that partners' abilities and skills in implementing technology already increased. In addition, the number of productions increased, the production time wass shorter, and makes it easier for partners' businesses.
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