Edukasi Penanganan Dismenore Secara Non Farmakologi Dengan Latihan Yoga Child Pose

  • Antri Ariani Universitas Bhakti Kencana
  • Meda Yuliani Universitas Bhakti Kencana
  • Intan Yusita Universitas Bhakti Kencana
Keywords: Dysmenorrhea Treatment, Non Pharmacology, Yoga Child Pose



Adolescence is the initial period in which a person experiences physical, hormonal, and sexual changes that are able to carry out the reproductive process marked by menstruation or menstruation. On average 50% of women in each country often experience menstrual disorders such as dysmenorrhea, the impact of the incidence of dysmenorrhea as much as 10% of British adolescents experience incidents of not attending school activities for 1-3 days every month, decreased concentration in learning, even disrupted daily activities, this requires proper pain management. Non-pharmacological therapy is the right therapy for the management of dysmenorrhea, one of which is by practicing Yoga Child Pose. The implementation of community service to young women is through counseling and practicing Yoga Child Pose. Through counseling media, young women were given material related to the handling of dysmenorrhea and Yoga exercises in the form of live videos that were practiced to all participants. The average pretest was 54.6 and there was an increase in the post-test, which was 86.6, the knowledge became good, besides that participants were provided with Yoga Child Pose exercises to do when experiencing dysmenorrhea.


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