Peranan Petani dan Pemilik Toko Saprotan dalam Perancangan Rule Aplikasi Smart System Penyakit & Hama Tanaman Cabe Keriting

  • Liza Efriyanti UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi
Keywords: smart system, chili disease and pests, SDLC, industrial revolution 4.0


In the past, when farmers faced problems with curly chili plants in the form of diseases and pests, they tended to consult with senior farmers or agricultural instructors, so it was quite time-consuming and costly. The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 has changed the culture of society in various fields, including agriculture. The development of technology, especially artificial intelligence, also has a tremendous impact, one of which is agriculture. One of the impacts of artificial intelligence in agriculture can be made smart applications in obtaining decisions or information related to plant diseases and pests and how to overcome them. In this service activity, the authors design rules for smart system applications for early prevention of diseases and pests on curly chili plants. The method used is in the form of stages in the application system design, namely the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which consists of requirements definitions, design, coding, implementation and evaluation stages. The stages presented in this article are limited to the first and second stages. The way to get to these two stages is to conduct focus group discussions (FGD) with farmers, farmer groups who grow curly chilies and saprotan shop owners, which are limited to the Agam district, West Sumatra. There were eight rules of curly chili plant disease and six rules for pests. The results obtained from this FGD are in the form of the design of rules for diseases and pests of curly chili plants as well as the initial design of the smart system application, which will later be used for the next stage in the SDLC


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