Startup Journal 2024-06-24T02:23:59+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Journal Name:<strong> Startup Journal</strong><br>Management Study Program: Digital Business<br>Article scope: Digital marketing, Creator content, Digital business, and Informatics</p> CAMPUS PROMOTION STRATEGY TO INCREASE NEW STUDENT ENROLLMENT THROUGH A RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING SYSTEM 2024-06-24T02:23:59+00:00 Ahmad Ade Irwanda [email protected] Wentisasrapita Abiyus [email protected] Walhidayat [email protected] Yogi Ersan Fadrial [email protected] <p><em>This research explores the potential integration of the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) system in campus promotion strategies to increase the number of new student applicants. A descriptive qualitative approach was used through interviews with prospective students, Lancang Kuning University representatives, and RPL experts. Findings show prospective students' positive perceptions of RPL which is perceived to help accelerate studies and reduce tuition fees for individuals with prior learning experience. Despite challenges such as lack of resources and the need for curriculum adjustments, the integration of RPL in promotional strategies has a great opportunity to attract prospective students by offering the added value of learning flexibility. Practical recommendations are proposed, including market analysis, development of a standardized RPL system, training of marketing staff, promotional campaigns emphasizing the added value of RPL, cooperation with alumni/companies, and periodic evaluation. Effective implementation of promotional strategies with RPL can increase the attractiveness of Lancang Kuning University, create differentiation, and increase the number of new student applicants.</em></p> 2024-05-24T13:15:43+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Startup Journal APLIKASI PELAYANAN ANTRIAN DI DINAS KEPENDUDUKAN DAN PENCATATAN SIPIL KUANTAN SINGINGI 2024-05-27T10:57:35+00:00 Waldiva Idza [email protected] Febri Haswan [email protected] Walhidayat Walhidayat [email protected] Muhamad Sadar [email protected] <p><em>Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil (Disdukcapil) Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi sering kali dihadapkan dengan antrian panjang dan proses pelayanan yang lama. Hal ini menyebabkan inefisiensi dan ketidaknyamanan bagi masyarakat. Artikel ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi pelayanan antrian di Disdukcapil Kuantan Singingi. Aplikasi ini dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang lebih cepat, mudah, dan efisien. Aplikasi ini memiliki beberapa fitur, yaitu: Pendaftaran antrian online: Masyarakat dapat mendaftarkan diri untuk antrian online melalui aplikasi. Pemeriksaan status antrian: Masyarakat dapat memantau status antrian mereka secara real-time melalui aplikasi. Pemberitahuan antrian: Masyarakat akan menerima pemberitahuan ketika giliran mereka tiba. Informasi layanan: Aplikasi menyediakan informasi tentang layanan yang tersedia di Disdukcapil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi pelayanan antrian di Disdukcapil Kuantan Singingi telah berhasil dikembangkan dan diuji. Aplikasi ini terbukti dapat membantu masyarakat untuk mendapatkan pelayanan yang lebih cepat, mudah, dan efisien. Pengembangan aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan antrian panjang dan proses pelayanan yang lama di Disdukcapil Kuantan Singingi. Aplikasi ini juga dapat menjadi contoh bagi instansi lain untuk mengembangkan aplikasi pelayanan publik yang lebih baik.</em></p> 2024-05-24T13:18:38+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Startup Journal ANALISIS KESEDIAAN UNTUK MEMBELI DI MEDIA SOSIAL PERDAGANGAN 2024-05-27T10:55:00+00:00 Rizki Novendra Rizki [email protected] Yogo Turnandes [email protected] Vebby [email protected] Febrizal [email protected] Gilang Nugroho [email protected] <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami faktor yang mempengaruhi kesedian uuntuk membeli atau berbelanja pada platform social media commerce seperti facebook, instagram dan tiktok. Terdapat empat variabel independen dan satu variabel dependen yang digunakan dalam konstruk penelitian ini. Variabel independen meliputi reputasi, kualitas informasi, mempercayai dan kepuasan. Sedangkan variabel dependen yakni kesediaan untuk membeli. Uji statistik dilakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi uji validitas, reabilitas, uji regresi linier berganda dan uji hipotesis. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa faktor reputasi, mempercayai dan kepuasan mempengaruhi kesediaan untuk membeli pada social media commerce. Sedangkan faktor kualitas informasi tidak mempengaruhi kesediaan untuk membeli pada sociial media commerce.</em><br><br></p> 2024-05-27T08:12:20+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Startup Journal SISTEM INFORMASI PEMASARAN MOBIL BEKAS BERBASIS WEB PADA SHOWROOM OEMI MOBILINDO PEKANBARU 2024-06-08T03:57:39+00:00 Eddis Syahputra Pane [email protected] Rici Oktavian [email protected] Afriansyah [email protected] <p><em>This research was conducted to design and build a marketing web for selling used cars at the Oemi Mobilindo Pekanbaru Showroom. The condition of each used car has advantages and disadvantages, with various specifications and features including in terms of price, type, transmission, technology, features, engine capacity, and others. By only still relying on brochures resulted in the ineffectiveness of the sales system that is currently used. This often makes consumers find it difficult to see the cars available in the showroom. This application was built for convenience in making sales. Sales promotions for car units are carried out online so that customers and sellers do not need to come to the showroom to carry out sales or purchasing activities. The application design uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) model, use case diagrams, activity diagrams and sequence diagrams, class diagrams, modeling with waterfalls. The application is built using PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) as an additional language and as an editor using SublimeText. This application uses JavaScript, CodeIgniter Framework and MySQL database. This web application is a means of getting online information that is usually accessed by anyone, making it easier for customers to find detailed information on used cars, purchase requirements, so that the Oemi Mobilindo Pekanbaru Showroom makes the process of buying and selling cars easier.</em></p> 2024-05-27T08:18:11+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Startup Journal PEMODELAN SISTEM PENERIMAAN MAHASISWA BARU UNIVERSITAS LANCANG KUNING DENGAN METODE BUSINESS PROCESS MODELLING NOTATION 2024-06-08T03:48:36+00:00 Wentisasrapita Abiyus [email protected] Ahmad Ade Irwanda [email protected] Walhidayat [email protected] <p>New student admission at Lancang Kuning University is a business process held regularly every year during the New Student Candidate Admission Period. The new student admission process was through three channels, namely the general channel, the special channel and the disability channel. In this paper, the researchers used BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) to illustrate the logical flow of the new student admission business process conducted by Lancang Kuning University. This paper shows that BPMN can justify the new student admission business process. It depicts the business process with a graphical approach that is efficient and easy to understand. BPMN can be used to explain the actual conditions of a new student admission business process carried out by Lancang Kuning University.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-08T03:48:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Startup Journal