Symbiosis Civicus <p><strong>Symbiosis Civicus</strong> is published biannually in June and November. The journal was established in 2024 and is published by the School of Graduate Studies, Universitas Lancang Kuning, Indonesia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>ISSN : xxxx-xxxx (Online) and ISSN : xxxx-xxxx&nbsp;(Print)</p> Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Lancang Kuning en-US Symbiosis Civicus The Training Activities on Classroom Action Research as a Scientific Article Writing and Publication Project for Teachers <p>This classroom action research (CAR) training activity as a scientific article writing project was carried out based on the problems faced by teachers at SMAN 1 Tempuling, namely lack of knowledge and experience implementing and reporting CAR in writing scientific articles as well as teachers' low awareness of the importance of researching and producing scientific articles. Therefore, the community service team of the Faculty of Education and Vocational Studies, Lancang Kuning University provides training to teachers, namely: (1) discussing in groups to formulate CAR problems, (2) determining strategies, models, techniques and media that can be used as solutions to learning problems learning in class, (3) teachers are given examples of scientific published articles which are the results of CAR, (4) providing several links to PTK journals as reference materials, (5) assisting participants’ CAR project by providing explanations, revisions and input. To complete the CAR assignment as a project for writing and publishing scientific articles, participants are given 4 weeks. Consultation on assignment completion is carried out via WhatsApp. Finally, the community service team concluded that CAR training activities as a scientific article writing and publication project for SMAN 1 Tempuling teachers could provide knowledge, understanding and abilities to participants to carry out CAR, report CAR results, write drafts of scientific articles and publish them.</p> Adolf Bastian Marwa Marwa Herlinawati Herlinawati Endri Sapta Seprian Seprian Hengki Irawan Copyright (c) 2024 Symbiosis Civicus 2024-06-16 2024-06-16 1 1 1 7 Low-Cost and Eco-Friendly Dishwashing Liquid to Improve the Economy of Society Affected by the Pandemic COVID-19: A Community Development <p>The fabrication of dishwashing liquid has been performed using low-cost and eco-friendly materials for teachers at one informal school, the Syiar Quran Center (SQC), in a small village in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. The materials were sodium laureth sulfate, coarse salt, distilled water, dark green dye, and lime extract. This activity was a university-community collaboration program to support the SQC in forming a business unit to assist school operations. This study carried out the method through action research involving an SQC manager and six teachers in SQC. The results of laboratory analysis show that dishwashing liquid in this study has met the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 4075-2: 2017 for a dishwashing liquid with pH value, total surfactant (% weight fraction), and total plate count microbial contamination (colony mL<sup>-1</sup>) are as follows: 7.2, 10, and &lt; 10. Organoleptic tests that evaluated aroma, appearance, foam, the ability to lift dirt, skin irritation, and price were conducted to 50 panelists. The results showed that the dishwashing liquid had got satisfied scores from panelists. The dishwashing liquid with low-cost and eco-friendly materials is highly prospective for mass sale after calculating the capital spent to produce and comparing it with similar products on the market.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Anisa Mutamima Indra Purnama Farag M. Malhat Copyright (c) 2024 Symbiosis Civicus 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 1 1 8 13 The Importance of Early Education About Climate Change for Students of Primary School <p>The importance of early education about climate change at the lowest educational level (elementary school students) needs to be instilled. The goal is for students to be able to change attitudes, habits, and actions in facing recent climate change. The methods used in this community service activity include socialization, interviews, and practicing planting vegetables as family food security. Questionnaires were filled out before and after the socialization by the Unilak Community Service Team. The results of the questionnaire calculation before the socialization showed that the students' understanding, attitudes, and self-preparation towards climate change were quite low, with 75% not knowing and 25% already knowing. After the socialization, interviews, and vegetable planting practice, there was an increase in students' knowledge and education about climate change by 42%, with 33% of students still not understanding and 67% already understanding. This shows that students paid attention to and understood the explanations given by the Unilak Community Service Team well after the socialization was conducted. Generally, students did not know the definition of climate change, its causes, and mechanisms. Students felt the recent erratic weather with increased temperatures and felt hot. However, students did not know that changes in the environment and climate had occurred. The students of SD Negeri 019 Pandau Jaya also did not know how students should act, behave, change habits to "go green" and "save the earth," and the impacts that would occur. Almost all students said they had not received information about climate change from school teachers, newspapers, friends, and online media. The hope for the future after the socialization is that students can socialize the knowledge to friends, family, and neighbors about climate change so that they can change attitudes, actions, and daily habits at least in the school and home environment. Students can start by living healthily, saving water and electricity, sorting waste, exercising, enjoying planting, and starting by planting crops for food security in the surrounding environment.</p> Anna Juliarti Sri Rahayu Prastyaningsih Ervayenri Anto Ariyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Symbiosis Civicus 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 1 1 14 21 The Bridging Gaps in Tropical Agriculture Through Collaborative Community Efforts <p>This article explores a recent community engagement initiative aimed at addressing the challenges and conditions of tropical agriculture in Indonesia. The initiative, organized by the Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences at Universitas Lancang Kuning (UNILAK), involved a series of discussions and information-sharing sessions with international community at the Tokyo University of Agriculture &amp; Technology (TUAT). The program focused on key topics such as sustainable development, modern agricultural technologies, and the role of pesticides in tropical farming. Initial findings from pre-test surveys indicated that participants were not familiar with the concept of tropical agriculture and the common challenges faced within this field. However, post-test results revealed significant improvements in their understanding and confidence regarding tropical agriculture, its challenges, and potential solutions. These outcomes highlight the effectiveness of the discussion sessions in enhancing participants' knowledge. Moreover, the initiative underscored the importance of collaborative efforts in tackling common agricultural issues. This article details the methods and findings of the engagement program, emphasizing the positive impact of community collaboration in bridging knowledge gaps and fostering sustainable agricultural development. The results suggest that such collaborative efforts are crucial for addressing the pressing challenges faced by tropical agriculture and for implementing viable solutions.</p> Indra Purnama Fawzia Novianti Anisa Mutamima Noor Baity Saidi Kaustav Das Mulono Apriyanto Karmila Sari Ali Asfar Dita Fitriani Marthin Tarigan Dilla Anggrayni Suraj Prakash Singh Copyright (c) 2024 Symbiosis Civicus 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 1 1 22 33 Training on the Use of 21 Century -4C Skill Assessment on Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration in Project-Based Learning for Teachers <p>Training on the use of 21 century-4C Skill Assessment on Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration in project-based learning for teachers at SMKN 1 Gunung Sahilan, Kampar, Riau was carried out based on some problems. The problems identified by the Lancang Kuning University Postgraduate School service team were teachers’ lack of knowledge and experience on how to design PjBL and use assessments related to 21st century-4C skill in project-based learning. Based on the explanation above, the solutions are needed in the form of training to overcome teacher problems. In this case, the community service team facilitates training to the teachers so that they can carry out assessments of projects in student learning following the 21st-4C century skills assessment rubric scale. This activity was carried out May 22, 2024 at SMKN 1 Gunung Sahilan, Kampar Regency using the lecture method along with a project assessment simulation using the 21st century-4C skills assessment rubric. From the simulation results of using the 4C skills assessment rubric, the service team identified that the teachers of SMKN 1 Gunung Sahilan (1) were able to use the 21/4C century skills assessment rubric in assessing project-based student learning outcomes, and (2) were able to design a variety of PjBL in accordance with the subject in their classes. Finally, the service team concluded that the training activity on the use of 21-4C century competency assessment covering Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration in Project-Based Learning at SMKN 1 Gunung Sahilan could provide knowledge, understanding and ability to participants to use the 21st century skills assessment rubric and design a variety of PjBL.</p> Marwa Marwa Nurfaisal Nurfaisal Muliardi Muliardi Raudhah Awal Muhammad Ifwandi Hengki Irawan Copyright (c) 2024 Symbiosis Civicus 2024-06-20 2024-06-20 1 1 34 41