

Utamax: Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education welcomes the submission of papers. Before sending your paper, please read the submission and Manuscript Guidelines. For more information visit our official homepage on 

The papers can address but are not limited to, from relevant education matters that cover a broad spectrum in education, and to address issues of concern to the different levels and types of education, transversal topics and ‘big issues’ for policy agendas. This includes an active and on-going discussion of national and international education policy As a triannual publication journal Utamax journal published every March, July and October every year. 

During the covid 19 Pandemic: 

Article Template can be downloaded from here
Warm Regards
Team Utamax Journal

  • Journal Description


    Journal title  : Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education
    Abbreviation: Utamax J. Ultim. Res. Trends Educ.
    ISSN  : 2685-4252 (Online) | 2685-0540 (Print) 
    Professional Bodies  : LPPM-Universitas Lancang Kuning having MoU-1 and MoU-2 to raise its publication quality with  Asosiasi Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (APSBSI) and Linguistics and Literature Association (LITA). Check here for the list of journal under LITA
    Publication Frequency  : Triannual publication journal, published every March, July and November. (In-Press Policy) 
    National Accreditation: SINTA 3 (Accredited by Indonesian Government, since December 27, 2021)
    Indexed at  : CrossrefDimensionsPKP Index, OneSearchGaruda 
    Archive Preservation  : The Keepers (PKP PN), LPPM-Universitas Lancang Kuning 
    Deposit/Archiving Policy Directory  : Portal Garuda 

    Read more about Journal Description
  • Sinta 3 Accreditation: A Big Leap of Success


    Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim.

    We are thrilled to announce that Utamax: Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education has received "The SINTA 3" rank in its first accreditation application, as stated in Decree Letter No. 164/E/KPT/2021) released by the Indonesian Government on December 27, 2021.

    We extend our sincere gratitude to the entire team of editors and reviewers, as well as all authors who have entrusted publication in our journal. We would also like to express our appreciation to the Senate of Universitas Lancang Kuning, Pekanbaru, and the RJI Team for their invaluable support.

    With this accreditation, we hope that Utamax Journal can serve as an outstanding medium for scientific publication and a major reference for research in education. We remain committed to upholding the highest standards of academic excellence and providing a platform for the dissemination of innovative research.

    Best regards,

    Utamax Editorial Team



    Read more about Sinta 3 Accreditation: A Big Leap of Success
  • Call For Papers: FREE APC


    Utamax: Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education welcomes the submission of papers. Before sending your paper, please read the submission and Manuscript Guidelines. For more information visit our official homepage on 

    The papers can address but are not limited to, from relevant education matters that cover a broad spectrum in education, and to address issues of concern to the different levels and types of education, transversal topics and ‘big issues’ for policy agendas. This includes an active and on-going discussion of national and international education policy As a triannual publication journal Utamax journal published every March, July and October every year. 

    During the covid 19 Pandemic: 

    Article Template can be downloaded from here
    Warm Regards
    Team Utamax Journal

    Read more about Call For Papers: FREE APC
  • We are in Publons


    Publons is a commercial website that provides a free service for academics to track, verify, and showcase their peer review and editorial contributions for academic journals. It was launched in 2012 and was bought by Clarivate Analytics in 2017 (which also owns Web of Science, EndNote, and ScholarOne). It claims that over 200,000 researchers have joined the site, adding more than one million reviews across 25,000 journals. (Wikipedia)

    We are in Publons, and we are showcasing our editors and reviewers upon the completion of their duties. We welcome editors and reviewers for further collaboration with Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education.

    We also would like to invite you and your peers to visit and endorse, please find the journal page at Publons in this address:


    Read more about We are in Publons
  • Call for Editorial Board/Reviewers


    Utamax : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education welcomes scholars and researchers to participate as peer reviewers for the journal that covers a broad spectrum in education and to address issues of concern to the different levels and types of education, transversal topics, and ‘big issues’ for policy agendas. The peer-review process is essential because it guarantees the high quality of articles published, which assures the success of the Utamax journal.

    Job Description:

    Peer reviewers are internet-based, part-time volunteer jobs whose working language is English. Their main tasks are to read and then recommend whether a manuscript should be accepted as is, accepted with revision, or outright rejected. To that end, peer reviewers will be asked to provide detailed, constructive comments that are substantiated by references where possible and that will help the editors in their publication decisions and with their author interactions. Reviewers must also be alert for any issues relating to author misconduct, such as plagiarism, and report these to the editors.

    Reviewers are part-time volunteer jobs, with no payment for each review that is delivered. However, the benefits of being a peer reviewer include:

    • A certificate of recognition
    • Your name will be listed in the journal’s webpage and printing version
    • Developing professional opportunities and contacts,
    • Increasing evaluation skills,
    • Being the first to see new materials,
    • Listing as an Editorial Board member in the print journal and on its website,
    • Bolstering of resumes for promotion and/or tenure,
    • Assisting Utamax Journal in providing high-quality work.
    • If reviewers decide to publish with one of our journals, each approved review is considered FREE of APC.

    Eligibility and Requirements for Peer Reviewers:

    • Doctoral degree or above,
    • Academic job at a university or organization,
    • Fluency in English (academic and professional),
    • Strong interest and expertise in scholarly journals,
    • Speed and accuracy.

    How to Apply:

    Please complete the application form (Click HERE the Gform)  

    Application Processing:

    Applications are processed immediately and acknowledged by e-mail upon submission, with notice of acceptance or not within two weeks.

    Best Regards
    Utamax Journal Team

    Dr. Budianto Hamuddin
    Editor in Chief

    Read more about Call for Editorial Board/Reviewers
  • In Progress Publication Policy


    Starting from volume 3, issue 1 in 2020, the editorial team of Utamax Journal has implemented an "in progress" publication policy. This means that all accepted papers will be immediately posted on the Utamax OJS website to facilitate the rapid sharing of knowledge among academics.

    We warmly invite researchers, academics, and practitioners in the field of education to contribute their work to Utamax Journal and be part of our mission to disseminate innovative research. Our journal is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic rigor, and we look forward to featuring your original contributions in our future issues.

    Best wishes,

    Team of Utamax Journal  

    Read more about In Progress Publication Policy
  • Adjustment on Utamax Journal's Article Template


    Dear respected authors

    We would like to inform our valued contributors that starting from volume 3, issue 1 in 2021, we have made some adjustments to Utamax Journal's template. To download the latest version of our template, please click here.

    We hope that these changes will enhance the overall quality of the articles published in our journal and provide a better reading experience for our readers. We invite all researchers, academics, and practitioners in the field of education to submit their work to Utamax Journal and be part of our efforts to advance knowledge in this important field.

    Thank you for your support, and we look forward to receiving your submissions in the future.

    Best regards,

    Editorial team of Utamax journal

    Read more about Adjustment on Utamax Journal's Article Template