Pendampingan Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos Bagi Petani Desa Bedono Kluwung Kecamatan Kemiri Purworejo
Indonesia is one of countries that produces waste as much as 21,88 million tons in 2021. Waste is a last thing, which has not been used (wasted), that sources from the impact of human activities, or natural that has not had economic value. The waste management, which has not been handled well, becomes a problem until it can affect soil to groundwater channel pollution. The waste management in Sido Luhur Hamlet, Bedono Kluwung Village, Kemiri Subdistrict, Purworejo to date is still with the way of burning directly without being sorted that is based on the waste types. This problem becomes a serious concern for the village government. To strengthen the education of an importance of maintaining environment cleanliness, the dedication team socialized waste treatment to be compost. This activity was participated by fifteen RT 003 RW 003 Sido Luhur Hamlet inhabitants. Together with the dedication team, the inhabitants exploited organic waste, and goat feces that were mixed with EM4 solution and produced a sample of solid and no smell compost.
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