Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia <p class="Body"><strong>DINAMISIA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat</strong> diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Lancang Kuning adalah <em>peer-reviewed journal&nbsp;</em>yang memuat artikel-artikel ilmiah dari berbagai disiplin ilmu yang diadopsi dalam berbagai aktivitas pengabdian kepada masyarakat dan penelitian terapan lainnya. Artikel-artikel yang dipublikasikan di <strong>Jurnal DINAMISIA</strong> meliputi hasil-hasil penelitian ilmiah asli, artikel ulasan ilmiah yang bersifat baru, atau komentar atau kritik terhadap tulisan yang ada dimuat di <strong>Jurnal DINAMISIA</strong> maupun dalam terbitan berkala ilmiah lainnya.<strong> Jurnal DINAMISIA</strong> menerima manuskrip atau naskah artikel dalam bidang riset terapan dan hilirisasi hasil penelitian ilmiah kuantitatif maupun kualitatif berbasis komunitas kedalam format pengabdian masyarakat yang mencakup bidang keilmuan yang relevan mencakup: Sosial, Kependidikan, Sains, Keolahragaan, Bahasa, Bisnis dan Ekonomi, Teknologi, Kesenian</p> Universitas Lancang Kuning en-US Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2614-7424 Empowering Communities Based on Local Wisdom by Transforming Seashell Waste into Valuable Art https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/20387 <p><em>This community service activity was conducted in Sidamukti Village, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province. Known for its coastal area, Sidamukti Village is home to a predominantly fishing community. The fishermen harvest various seafood, including clams, a type of seashell commonly used for its edible meat. While the fish is sold and the clam meat is consumed, the shells are often discarded as non-biodegradable waste that pollutes the environment. To address this issue, the PKM team from Universitas Trisakti explored an alternative approach by transforming seashell waste into valuable art. These activities employed the ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development) method, involving four key steps: 1) Observation; 2) Planning; 3) Implementation; and 4) Evaluation. The outcomes included the creation of handcrafted items such as necklaces, brooches, curtains, and lamps. As a result, the village community, particularly women, has become more empowered, and potentially generating additional income to support their families and enhance the local economy.</em></p> Harris Effendi Dida Nurhaida Ida Busnetty Dian Octaviani Sumiyarti Sumiyarti Layla Nurina Kartika Iskandar Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 8 4 966 973 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.20387 Basic ICT Counseling for the Technologically Clueless Community in Purwokerto Kulon https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/16614 <p><em>Based on BPS data in 2022, 23.05% of the total population of Central Java do not have ICT skill (technologically clueless). It is possible that Purwokerto Kulon is included in this percentage. To reduce the number of people who are technologically clueless in Purwokerto Kulon, a basic ICT (Information and Communication Technology) counseling was held and attended by several participants from the youth and adult age groups. The counseling method used was training in the form of workshop, while the counseling material was about the introduction of computer hardware, basic computer operations, and basic internet operations and their benefits. Based on the results of the pre-test, it was found that only about 20% of the total participants had ICT skill. After participating in counseling, the post-test results showed information that 100% of them came to know and have the ICT skill.</em></p> Sulistiyasni Sulistiyasni Nur Alfi Ekowati Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 8 4 974 985 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.16614 The Community Service of Coconut Fish Floss Business Group in Tamedan Village, Tual City https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/17430 <p><em>Tamedan Village is one of the fish producing villages so obtaining raw materials for making fish floss is very easy to obtain. The partner for this activity is the coconut fish floss business group, which is still making shredded meat in a simple way due to a lack of knowledge about the shredded mixer tool which can speed up the processing process, the product packaging is also still very simple and has not been able to market its products widely due to limited knowledge about marketing activities and the lack of it. partner's understanding of business management and there is no bookkeeping yet. The aim of this service activity is Technology Transfer for using tools to make coconut fish floss to make it more practical. Carrying out counseling, training and demonstrations as well as assistance regarding the shredded production process using a shredded mixer, using labeled packaging and simple bookkeeping training. The results of this service activity can provide an understanding of shredded mixer tools, provide skills in processing fish floss and packaging with labels so that the product loks attractive and can increase sales and partner understanding in terms of financial recording.</em></p> Cawalinya Livsanthi Hasyim Tati Atia Ngangun Kristina Priskila Rahael Meyske Angel Rahantoknam Usman Madubun Firmansyah Matdoan Madina Taweatubun Wa Asri Rettob Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 8 4 986 991 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.17430 Empowerment of Wood Carving Art Groups for Digitalization-Based Sustainable Art and Business in Mas Village, Gianyar https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/21712 <p><em>The art of sculpting is a craft as a branch of the creative economy that focuses on the skill of expressing ideas, thoughts, intellectual works on wood media so as to create products with aesthetic, unique, symbolic, interesting, philosophical meaning and marketability. The lack of knowledge and skills related to the management and business of wood carving makes it interesting to carry out comprehensive empowerment in increasing the potential of carving art in Mas Village, Ubud District. The aim of this community service is to overcome partner problems by helping partners and offering solutions according to the service's field of knowledge. The method of implementing service begins with a location survey, observation, questions and answers regarding the business situation and problems faced. Furthermore, offering solutions in the form of socialization, training, implementation, mentoring, evaluation and sustainability. As a result of the dedication and implications of the program that the 10 members of the sculpture group participated in, they were able to develop knowledge, managerial skills, digital marketing and simple technology-based production. These results can be identified from the results of valid participant questionnaires.</em><br><br></p> Ni Made Wahyuni Ni Luh Putu Mita Miati Kadek Goldina Puteri Dewi Dian Pramana Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 8 4 992 1002 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.21712 Knowledge of Word Formation for Women Teachers in Kindergarten of Dukuh 02 Mojolaban Sukoharjo https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/17124 <p><em>The aims of Community services are to improve knowledge of word formation for women Teachers in Kindergarten of Dukuh 02 so that women Teachers can teach their students. The Method are Pre-test, Presentation, oral, Post-test and discussion of question and answer with face to face. The Media are print-out of Powerpoint, white board , book and bolpoint. The participant are women teachers in Kindergarten of Dukuh 02. The results find that there are improving the knowledge of word formation for women teachers in Kindergarten of Dukuh 02 with 25 point (25%) and the minimum score is 80. The benefit of this program are women teachers in Kindergarten of Dukuh 02 can improve their English skill with word formation</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: English, training, word formation</em></strong></p> Nunun Tri Widarwati Purwani Indri Astuti Ratih Wijayava Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 8 4 1003 1009 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.17124 Indonesian Language Politeness Counseling for Early Childhood Character Education in Tompobalang https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/21713 <p><em>The Indonesian Language Politeness Education for Character Building in Early Childhood in Tompobalang was conducted due to the importance of character development from an early age through the use of polite language. Considering the role of mothers as the primary educators at home, this program targeted members of the Majelis Taklim Association (Permata) in Tompobalang, Somba Opu District, Gowa Regency. The methods used in this community service included lectures, interactive discussions, and simulations. The program aimed to increase the awareness and ability of mothers to apply polite language in their daily communication with their children. The results showed an increase in the understanding and awareness of mothers about the importance of polite language in shaping children's character. Additionally, the mothers became more skilled in using appropriate and polite language. In conclusion, this program significantly contributes to character building in children through the active role of mothers in communicating with polite language</em></p> Munira Hasjim Lukman Lukman Tadjuddin Maknun Kaharuddin Kaharuddin Ita Suryaningsi Muhammad Sunre Indarwati Indarwati Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 8 4 1010 1017 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.21713 Developing a Waste Management Start-Up as Efforts to Accelerate the Circular Economy https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/21242 <p><em>The purpose of developing this start-up is to organize the collection of waste in the community, in the form of plastic and glass waste. This waste will be managed at the Self-Realization Waste Bank to become new, more valuable products. Plastic waste will be shredded into smaller pieces and melted. The melted plastic will then be transformed into paving blocks. Meanwhile, glass waste will be crushed into artificial sand, which will also be used to make paving blocks. The collection of plastic waste and glass waste is organized through a web-based start-up that can be accessed by the general public. The method used involves socializing the program and practicing product manufacturing. The results of the activities show that partners can operate the developed start-up and can already create products from plastic waste and glass waste. Partners can also transform glass waste into artificial sand. Products produced from plastic waste and glass waste can be used as surface covers for pedestrian paths and parking areas.</em></p> Cut Rahmawati Muhammad Faisal Sanusi Sanusi Muhtadin Muhtadin Miftahul Jannah Abdus Salam Muhammad Fatani Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 8 4 1018 1024 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.21242 Improving Health Independence with a Family-Based Complementary Therapy Approach https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/15591 <p><em>Purwomartani has local wisdom regarding the use of complementary therapies, but skills in using complementary therapies are obtained from generation to generation and are still not based on </em><em>evidence-based</em><em> so it can be at risk of injury. The purpose of this activity is to increase the ability and skills to use complementary therapy at the family level. This community service activity was carried out in June-July 2023 </em><em>and</em><em> was attended by 32 participants. The method used is health screening, health education</em><em>,</em><em> and utilization of herbs. The results of the health screening were 3 toddlers who had irregularities, 15 people who had blood pressure above normal, 10 people who had blood sugar levels above normal, </em><em>and </em><em>8 people who had uric acid levels above normal. There is an increase in knowledge about the use of complementary therapy at the family level before and after the activity as much as 20.45 points.</em></p> Rahayu Widaryanti Muflih Muflih Dian Rhesa Rahmayanti Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 8 4 1025 1032 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.15591 Regional Potential Optimization and Nutrition Awareness Enhancement through SEGANTING Program in Lebosari https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/17143 <p><em>Stunting or a condition where an individual's height is lower than the majority of their peers due to nutritional issues, poses a significant challenge in the village of Lebosari. The relatively high stunting rates indicate a lack of nutritional awareness and suboptimal utilization of local resources. To address this issue the SEGANTING program has been implemented as a holistic solution. Involving the community in the Discovery, Dream, Design, and Destiny phases, the program includes food innovation, the Community Nutrition Corner, and the village's UMKM bazaar. Prior to the program's commencement, the pre-test results showed an average correct answer rate of 40.33. After the program's implementation, there was a 54% increase, with an average correct answer rate reaching 88.00 in the post-test. This reflects the significant contribution of the SEGANTING program in enhancing the understanding of the Lebosari community regarding nutritional awareness and stunting prevention through the optimization of the village's potential.</em></p> Ahmada Wildan Afifi Ragil Satria Wicaksana Andriani Mulyono Aliefha Amelia Fatma Kurnia Sari Anggi Rian Al Miftah Sella Ayu Pratiwi Dian Alfianti Ima Imroatul Aziziah Rida Tiara Sari Risma Widiyawati Wa Ode Ummahatul Muminin M. Yusril Arif Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-11 2024-08-11 8 4 1033 1043 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.17143 Training on Environmentally Friendly Appropriate Science and Technology Based Household Waste Management https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/18251 <p><em>Household waste management in Simbang Village has not been carried out optimally, where the administration has not maximized the 3R system (reduce, reuse, and recycle), low knowledge, positive attitudes, and skills in waste utilization and management, have not been utilized for economic improvement and empowerment. Implement methods to overcome partner problems: Planning, Action (Health promotion, counseling, Procurement and utilization of technology to produce waste recycling products, Training and simulation, Coaching and mentoring), Observation and Evaluation, and Reflection. The results of the training showed an increase in knowledge (81%), positive attitudes (76.2%), and skills (100%) in processing organic waste into solid and leachate compost (liquid compost), as well as positive behaviors related to waste management by starting to implement new behaviors in the form of "prevent, sort, and reuse". Through training based on environmentally friendly science and technology, the community and village government can be more aware and skilled in managing household waste to contribute to environmental sustainability positively.</em></p> Rahmawati Azis Asrijun Juhanto Fitriyah Amiruddin Esrianti Sambu’ Besse Samsidarwati Nurul Salsabila Utami Akmal Akmal Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-11 2024-08-11 8 4 1044 1051 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.18251 Comics as a Media to Understand Earthquake Disaster Mitigation for Elementary School Students https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/18592 <p><em>Community Service held by FKIP-UT at SDN Sukamaju I Cianjur aims to increase students' knowledge about earthquake disaster mitigation. This activity requires media that is appropriate to the level of development of students. Researchers created earthquake disaster mitigation comics as an interesting information medium equipped with colorful illustrations, communicative dialogue and easy to understand for elementary school students. Data collection was carried out quantitatively and qualitatively. Qualitative data was taken from expert input including educational technology lecturers and BNPB staff. Comics are revised based on expert input. Quantitative data was obtained from the results of expert validation tests and a score of 91% was obtained from all aspects including material, media, and language design. Comics were tested during Community Service and were assessed by teachers and students at 92% from all aspects, namely material, media, and language design. This score shows that the comic is suitable for use in the very good category.</em></p> Rika Aprianti Khoirotun Nadiyyah Zakirman Widiasih Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-11 2024-08-11 8 4 1052 1059 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.18592 Multifunctional Furniture: Accompanying and Creating Child-Friendly Furniture https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/19912 <p><em>Farhanny khair daycare and preschool is a daycare place for children, As for the rest of daycare, this place is a home typology dwelling that is used as a daycare with additional activities as a learning / child play for the age of 2-5. In the condition of typology home buildings that are made into daycare and study and play, According to observation of some areas of unmaximized space meets the needs of motion space in children. Although this daycare location has space limitations but managers and teachers maximized the teaching system and management as well as comfort, hygiene, The safety of this daycare place is fine. That potential makes Farhany khair daycare and preschool entrusted parents to daycare while parents worked from 2018 to today. Based on the results of the situation analysis done by a team a proposer, So a team a proposer is trying to minimize the problems that are happening in child space and maximize the potentials that farhany khaanir daycare and preschool to make this daycare even better, and it can be beneficial for teachers and parents. The solution offered by a team a proposer is knowledge in the design of space within the scope of interior design according to the needs of young children so that existing space can be maximized into a playspace and study for children of daycare.In addition to knowledge of interior design the follower team also makes an innovation product a multifunctional shelf of children to be used by daycare as a means of supporting activity in that place</em></p> Zhilli Izzadati Khairuni Zulkifli Matondang Peny Husna Handayani Liana Atika Sarra Rahmadani Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-11 2024-08-11 8 4 1060 1069 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.19912 Canva Application Training to Increase Cake Business Productivity in Teluk Jambe Timur, Karawang https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/20514 <p><em>Teluk Jambe Timur is a village in Karawang Regency, West Java which has a very strategic location. This is a business opportunity for several groups of housewives. The main problem faced by partners is that the marketing process is only based on orders and needs of existing customers, so their business is underdeveloped. The output of the activity is improving skills in information technology such as photo editing using Canva which is needed to beautify the appearance of promotional media. The method used is a training method for optimizing cake production as well as digital marketing training which will be accompanied by the implementing team and students. The essence of the training activity is to generate lots of ideas and then produce new designs that are unique to each product by developing product ideas. The end of the activity resulted in fluency, flexibility, originality and elaborative innovation regarding logos, packaging designs, more attractive promotional media covers which progressively increased before using the Canva application and after attending training of at least 85% to 95%.</em></p> Nita Hidayati Hanifah Hanifah Betha Nurina Sari Marsah Rahmawati Utami An Nisaa Mutiara Salsabila Nadia Meisya Nur Faedah Tiara Destia Fitri Widya Tri Indarti Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-11 2024-08-11 8 4 1070 1076 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.20514 Education of Cyberbullying and Workshop of Pastoral Care For The Victims of Cyberbullying in Jemaat GPM Passo Anugerah https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/21904 <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The objectives of this community service are to enhance: (1) knowledge about cyberbullying and its various forms, and (2) skills in providing pastoral care for adolescent victims, both from the perspective of the adolescents themselves and their caregivers at GPM Passo Anugerah Congregation, Ambon City. The methods used in this community service include: (1) multidisciplinary education on the issue of cyberbullying from psychological and pastoral perspectives, and (2) pastoral training and mentoring in the form of workshops for the participants, both for the adolescents and caregivers at GPM Passo Anugerah Congregation. The findings from this activity indicate that participants have a fair understanding of social media bullying, but are not yet trained in providing support to victims. The conclusion of this community service is that knowledge, when supported by adequate skills and collaboration among the various parties involved, will improve the ability of adolescents and caregivers to become more sensitive and skilled in handling cases of bullying.</em></p> Aleta Apriliana Ruimassa Peter Boris Salenussa Ricardo Freedom Nanuru Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-11 2024-08-11 8 4 1077 1085 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.21904 Education and Training on Making Anti-Hypertensive Basil Jelly in The Area of Health Centre Rawat Inap Karya Wanita of Pekanbaru https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/16594 <p><em>Hypertension is a cardiovaskuler disease characterized by systolic blood pressure ≥140mmHg and diastolic blood pressure ≥90mmHg. Hypertension requires continuous management as it can lead to complications such as stroke and coronary heart disease. This community engagement activity was conducted at the Lembah Damai Subdistrict Health Center in Lembah Damai Village, Pekanbaru City in September 2023. The purpose of the activity is to empower participants by increasing their knowledge and skills in the non-pharmacological management of hypertension using basil plant. The engagement activity was carried out in several stages, including a focus group discussion (FGD), project awareness, educational sessions using a pre-post testing design, and training on making anti-hypertensive basil jelly. The instruments used in this community service activity include a knowledge questionnaire about hypertension and an observation sheet to assess partners’s skills in making antihypertensive basil jellt. The data analysis used is frequency distribution. The results of the engagement activity showed an increase in the average knowledge scores of the participants, from 69 (pre-test) to 90 (post-test), indicating an improvement in their understanding of hypertension. There was also an increase in the participants’s skills in processing and making anti-hypertensive basil jelly, from 20% (pre-test) to 100% (post-test). The engagement activity was successfully implemented, with pasticipants actively from beginning to end with enthusiasm</em><em>.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Veni Dayu Putri Rizka Febtrina Rahmi Pramulia Fitri Dea Andarista Monica Juliyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-13 2024-08-13 8 4 1086 1092 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.16594 Nutrition Care Action for Preschool Children as an Effort to Reduce the Risk of Stunting https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/11409 <p><em>Stunting</em> adalah salah satu bentuk <em>malnutrition </em>yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan gizi dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Dampak dari kejadian <em>stunting</em> pada anak-anak adalah memperburuk derajat kesehatan, pertumbuhan, dan perkembangan anak sebagai sumber daya paling berharga bagi suatu negara. Oleh karena itu, upaya penurunan angka risiko <em>stunting</em> harus dilakukan seperti melakukan kegiatan edukasi/penyuluhan dan Pembagian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) pada anak prasekolah. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilaksanakan di Taman Kanak Kanak (TK) berjalan lancar dan semua peserta antusias mengikuti seluruh kegiatan. Pihak sekolah juga mengharapkan adanya keberlanjutan kegiatan yang serupa dengan topik yang beragam untuk menambah pengetahuan gizi dan meningkatkan praktek gizi pada anak prasekolah. Jika bertambahnya pengetahuan gizi disertai dengan peningkatan praktek gizi pada anak prasekolah maka akan menurunkan angka risiko stunting.</p> Nur Pelita Sembiring* Sofya Maya Tahrir Aulawi Novfitri Syuryadi Ismed Ismed Netty Herawati Farida Nasri Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1093 1099 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.11409 Economic Improvement through the Development of the Jamu Kiringan Yogyakarta Tourism Village https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/16859 <p><em>In Jamu Kiringan Tourism Village, Yogyakarta, a community service initiative addressed challenges in the herbal medicine industry, predominantly run by women. These challenges included limited raw material supply, insufficient product innovation, business licensing, halal certification, and digital marketing skills. To tackle these issues, the project employed strategies like providing and planting medical plant seeds to create independence for raw materials for herbal medicine sellers and as an additional herbal tourism attraction, product innovation training, guidance for obtaining halal certification and business permits, and digital marketing training utilizing free platforms such as Canva, Capcut, Klook, and Instagram. These measures aimed to bolster the village's herbal medicine sector, fostering innovation, quality assurance, and digital outreach, ultimately transforming it into a thriving Tourism Village.</em></p> Allicia Deana Santosa* Nur Saudah Al Arifa Robiul Fitri Masithoh Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1100 1106 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.16859 Optimizing an Environmentally Friendly Drainage System to Anticipate Flooding In Siabu Village, Kampar Regency https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/18670 <p><em>Desa Siabu merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kabupaten Kampar. Desa ini memiliki topografi yang cenderung datar dan berada di daerah aliran sungai sehingga rentan terhadap banjir. </em><em>P</em><em>enyebab utama banjir </em><em>adalah karena</em><em> tidak semua jalan di Desa Siabu dilengkapi dengan drainase sebagai tempat penampungan dan </em><em>aliran </em><em>air menuju sungai</em><em>,</em><em> kondisi drainase yang ada tidak maksimal</em><em> dan</em><em> tertutup oleh sampah</em><em>,</em><em> dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat dalam pemeliharaan drainase.</em> <em>Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan solusi dalam mengoptimalkan sistem drainase yang berwawasan lingkungan untuk mengantisipasi banjir.</em> <em>Pada p</em><em>enyuluhan ini masyarakat diberikan materi mengenai upaya meningkatkan </em><em>sistem drainase yang ada menjadi sistem drainase yang berwawasan lingkungan dan pentingnya menjaga lingkungan sekitar saluran drainase</em><em> untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya banjir. </em><em>Penyuluhan juga dilakukan dengan memberikan contoh sistem drainase yang sudah dilakukan di daerah lain dan cara pembangunannya. Dari pemaparan yang dilakuka</em><em> menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan</em> <em>ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat tentang </em><em>drainase yang berwawasan lingkungan</em><em> serta menjaga lingkungan sekitar saluran drainase.</em></p> Harmiyati Harmiyati* Deddy Purnomo Retno Novriyanti Novriyanti Hanny Novianti Faisal Muhammad Syukri Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1115 1122 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.18670 Investment Management and Capital Markets Training for Students State Vocational School 1 Pontianak https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/19245 <p><em>SMK Negeri 1 Pontianak is one of the vocational schools in Pontianak City that has not applied investment management knowledge in the capital market so students cannot understand the concept of capital markets in the business world. Apart from that, students' knowledge about capital markets is also very minimal due to the low level of literature and practice related to capital markets. It is hoped that this activity will trigger awareness, interest, and knowledge from the younger generation to invest in the capital market. Apart from that, this training also aims to introduce students to investment mechanisms in the Capital Market. This training starts from the preparation stage, namely surveying, determining target locations, preparing facilities and infrastructure for activities, and preparing training materials, including modules for training activities. The stages of implementing the activities are the presentation of material and investment training with simulations using the Motion Trade application.</em></p> Windi Pratiwi* Aisyah Aisyah Rianti Ardana Reswari Naiyun Untung Utama Muhammad Zalviwan Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1123 1128 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.19245 Assistance for UMKM Based on Semarangan Local Wisdom Through Product Diversification Strategies and Electronic Tular Getok https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/19458 <p><em>UMKM bermanfaat pada meningkatnya daya beli masyarakat dan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat, serta untuk mempromosikan budaya dan tempat wisata yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan negara pada sektor tersebut. Salah satu pelaku UMKM Semarangan yang merintis usaha di awal tahun 2023 memiliki ide yang cukup kreatif dan inovatif dalam mendesain produk souvenir semarangan dan mendapat respon positif dari pasar. Namun, keterbatasan modal membuat variasi produk terbatas serta kurangnya pemanfaatan digital marketing membuat usaha ini kurang dikenal. Untuk itu, tim pengabdi berupaya memberikan pendampingan yang meliputi, (1) strategi diversifikasi produk meliputi, (2) strategi getok tular elektronik. Produk dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah desain-desain diversifikasi produk, tampilan baru sosial media dari UMKM, meliputi Whatsapp business, Instagram, Shopee, Tiktok, dan website UMKM. Dengan begitu, UMKM akan semakin dikenal oleh masyarakat melalui produk yang dihasilkan.</em></p> Fatma Kusuma Mahanani* Sukma Adi Galuh Amawidyati Pundani Eki Pratiwi Bayu Wiratama Efi Febriyanti Bayu Arinto Anik Rahmawaty Rifqi Nurrahma Krisnawati Deo Dwi Kusuma Wardhana Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1129 1138 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.19458 Landslide Treatment in the Al-Husainiyyah Junior High School Area using Cantilever-Geofoam Wall https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/19519 <p>A landslide triggered by heavy rainfall occurred in the Al-Husainiyyah Junior High School area on April 26<sup>th</sup>, 2023. The landslide damaged the nearby access roads, the existing retaining wall, and a futsal court threatening the safety of the teachers and students in conducting the learning activities that especially require open areas. Thus, this community service aims to provide a cantilever wall design with geofoam as an innovative lightweight backfill material to reinforce the slope and repair the damaged structures. Field surveying and numerical analysis were then conducted to understand the current slope and soil conditions and to analyze the stability of the slope and retaining wall. The results show that a cantilever wall with a total height of 1.8 m supported by a strauss pile row with a diameter of 0.4 m, 4 m in length, and 2.5 m in spacing could increase the stability of the slope.</p> Aswin Lim Ignatius Tommy Pratama* Budijanto Widjaja Helmy Hermawan Tjahjanto Johannes Adhijoso Tjondro Obaja Triputera Wijaya Bobby Minola Ginting Theresita Herni Setiawan Yohanes Lim Dwi Adianto Felix Hidayat Patricia Hartieni Octavianus William Tabitha Aldrianita Imam Ahmad Fadhil Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1139 1153 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.19519 Efforts to Improve The Sustainability of Traditional Food Sales At Funny's Kitchen, Bandung https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/19636 <p><em>Funny's Kitchen is one of the tenants of Foodcourt E at X University. Internal improvements were carried out based on research on students as the main consumers of Funny's Kitchen. The results of Multiple Linear Regression processing from 99 students' data show that the freshness of the food, the suitability of the price to the quality of the food provided, and the correct temperature of the food provided have a significant effect on students' interest in repurchasing at Funny's Kitchen. It is proposed that Funny's Kitchen use a microwave to speed up the process of heating food, maintain the taste of the food, employ employees who can help with the process of preparing and serving food, and adjust prices to the quality of the food provided. In this PKM, training was carried out to calculate the cost of production and it was discovered that Funny's Kitchen could still increase the quantity of its food portions. It is hoped that through the improvements made, student interest in buying back traditional food at Funny's Kitchen can increase.</em></p> Yulianti Talar* Christina Wirawan Indah Victoria Sandroto Jimmy Gozaly Melina Hermawan Yulia Pratama Umbu Dongu Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1154 1169 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.19636 Mengkritisi Pernikahan Dini Remaja Melalui Metode Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus pada Siswa Menengah di Solo Raya https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/19657 <p><em>Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah mengkritisi pernikahan dini remaja melalui metode focus group discussion (FGD) yang terfokus pada siswa menengah di Solo Raya. Tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat dengan tema “Generasi Cinta: Menggenggam Masa Depan Dengan Bijak Dalam Pernikahan” adalah meningkatkan pemahaman dan melatih berpikir kritis terakait fenomena pernikahan dini. Metode menggunakan focus group discussion (FGD), yang dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu pra-FGD, Pelaksanaan FGD, dan pasca-FGD. Peserta berjumlah 35 siswa yang terdiri dari: SMA dan SMP umum (sederajat); 2)&nbsp; SMA dan SMP yang berbasis boarding school atau pondok pesantren. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat adalah siswa-siswi memiliki pengetahuan terkait pernikahan dini dalam tiga perspektif yaitu psikologi, kesehatan, dan Islam (hukum positif), serta memiliki daya kritis dalam mengambil sikap terhadap problematika pernikahan dini secara tepat. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini adalah bahwa metode FGD tepat untuk dijadikan media dalam mensosialisasikan dan menginternalisasikan problema remaja seperti pernikahan dini. Implikasi kegiatan adalah perlunya menggunakan metode yang tepat dan menarik untuk menginformasikan isu-isu remaja, agar remaja tertarik untuk mengikuti dan menerapkan dalam kehidupan mereka.</em></p> Fian Rizkyan Surya Pambuka Nisa Rachmah Nur Anganthi * Inmas Indratama Ninuk Dwi Puspa Handayani Nihayatul Faizah Kukuh Yudha Pratama Farichah Nurus Syifa' Moh Wahyu Madina Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1170 1184 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.19657 Enhancing the Capacity of MSMEs in Digital Marketing at the Modern Creative Industry Institution of Jombang Regency https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/19683 <p><em>Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play an important role in economic development, especially in developing countries. However, MSMEs still face challenges in optimally adopting digital technologies and platforms to improve their competitiveness. To overcome this problem, the community service program (PKM) was initiated with a focus on digitizing MSME products. This program involves training and mentoring tailored to the needs and challenges faced by MSMEs, as well as integrating digital marketing concepts and online marketing strategies. The evaluation results showed that the PKM program managed to achieve a high level of satisfaction from participants, with the majority of aspects of the program achieving a high success rate, exceeding 90% for almost all categories. This success shows that the PKM program is effective in increasing the knowledge, skills, and understanding of the partners involved. Furthermore, the existence of grants in the form of technology devices to the Jombang IKM institution to create digital content also shows efforts to support the sustainability of the program and the potential to have a positive impact in increasing product sales.</em></p> Fitra Fitra* Sucipto Sucipto Berlina Hidayati Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1185 1197 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.19683 Anti-Bullying Education, Discipline Education, and Responsibilities at SDN Rawa Barat 05 AM https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/20062 <p>Untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai pencegahan perundungan, sikap disiplin, dan tanggung jawab diperlukan adanya pemberian edukasi yang tepat dan terarah kepada peserta didik. Edukasi dengan cara edukasi menjadi salah satu langkah untuk mencegah adanya kasus perundungan khususnya di SDN Rawa Barat 05 Pagi, edukasi ini melibatkan 30 peserta didik. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode ceramah, edukasi, dan diskusi yang berjudul Edukasi Sadar Hukum Terhadap Bullying Serta Pendidikan Disiplin dan Tanggung Jawab. Target dari pengabdian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Dasar yang duduk di kelas 4 dan kelas 5. Adapun tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk membentuk sikap disiplin serta tanggung jawab agar tindakan perundungan di sekolah diminimalisasi. Peningkatan pemahaman peserta didik dapat dilihat dari hasil <em>posttest </em>yang memperlihatkan peserta didik dapat memahami materi yang dibawakan.</p> Aji Lukman Ibrahim* Handar Subhandi Bachtiar M. Rizki Yudha Prawira Hilda Novyana Anni Alvionita Simanjuntak Al Fath Nada Syifa Nurulhuda Virna Amalia Nur Permata Aisyah Nurhalizah Rafif Sani Riyanto Riyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1198 1207 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.20062 Screening for Nutritional Status and Strengthening Healthy Lifestyle in Adolescents https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/20069 <p><em>Lack of awareness among adolescents towards healthy lifestyle has an impact on the risk of non-communicable diseases. The purpose of this community service activity was to improve adolescent knowledge of a healthy lifestyle and screening their nutritional status by measuring their BMI-for-age to prevent the risk of malnutrition (underweight or overweight). Improvement knowledge of healthy lifestyles carried out by providing counseling on nutrition-balanced and physical activity. The results of the activity showed an increase in the mean of knowledge score from 9.95(±SD1,29) to 11.57(±SD2,12). BMI measurements showed that the majority of adolescents (62%) had normal nutritional status, 21% were overnourished, 11.6% were obese, and 4.2% were undernourished. Counseling on nutrition-balanced and physical activity could increase healthy lifestyle knowledge for adolescence, and there is a tendency for adolescence to lead a problem with overnutrition. Therefore, sustainable youth education program required to provide a healthy lifestyle. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Laila Ulfa* Asyifa Robiatul Adawiyah Dini Indah Lestari Samingan Samingan Nanda Berliana Tania Fidzikri Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1208 1217 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.20069 Towards an Aware Society: Counseling on the Prevention of Unregistered Marriages for Students at Muqorrobin Islamic Middle School, Malang https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/20084 <p><em>Analysis of the partner situation illustrates phenomena in society that many do not understand the legal consequences of serial marriages, including regarding the inheritance and legal status of children from serial marriages. The problem that arises is when there are still residents who carry out serial marriages (not recorded), and then issues arise regarding inheritance rights when the husband dies, as well as joint property rights when there is a divorce. The approach to solving partner problems is the lecture and question-and-answer method. The evaluation results showed that community understanding increased significantly after being given socialization, with evaluation accuracy reaching 98%. The purpose of this socialization is to increase the understanding of the community of SMP Islam Muqorrobin Malang regarding the legal consequences of serial marriage.</em></p> Shofiatul Jannah* Moh. Muslim Sholihatin Khofsah Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-16 2024-08-16 8 4 1218 1223 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.20084 Implementation of Shokyakuro-FTU Incinerator to process residual waste towards Unisba's zero-waste campus https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/21902 <p><em>Unisba's waste problem was solved by establishing a compost hut to sort organic, recyclable, and residual waste, which the Clean and Green Team managed. Organic waste is composted; recyclable waste is separated, cleaned, and sold to Bandung City's main waste bank; and residual waste is transported by the Cleaning Technical Unit (UPTD) Bandung City. Unisba has launched a long-term initiative to become a zero-waste campus by managing waste independently. As part of this program, the Shokyakuro -FTU Incinerator machine will process residual waste on Campus 2 Unisba Ciburial and replace the processing of residual waste by UPTD. This service activity aims to use the Shokyakuro -FTU Incinerator machine to process residual waste at Campus 2 Unisba in Ciburial District, Bandung Regency. All cleaning staff practice in Campus 2 Unisba Ciburial operating the Shokyakuro -FTU Incinerator machine as part of the implementation process. Following training, machine operating procedures are developed to make it easier for cleaning staff to use the machine in the future.</em></p> Endang Prasetyaningsih Yan Orgianus Najamudin* Mohamad Satori Hirawati Oemar Putri Aulia Susilo Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-18 2024-08-18 8 4 1224 1232 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.21902 Transformative Teacher Training as an Inspiration for the Driving Teacher Program to Improve Teacher Competency https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/22236 <p><em>Guru merupakan salah satu kunci sukses pencapaian tujuan pendidikan. Guru yang memiliki kompeten akan mampu menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang menyenangkan bagi murid dan menuntun mereka mencapai hasil yang maksimal. Oleh karena itu, meningkatkan kompetensi guru menjadi sebuah hal yang penting untuk dioptimalkan. <u>Pelatihan guru transformatif sebagai pengimbasan Program Guru Penggerak berperan penting dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru sesuai dengan </u></em><em>Perdirjen GTK Kemendikbudristek Nomor 2626/B/HK.24.01/2023 tentang model kompetensi Guru</em><em><u>.</u></em> <em>Pengabdian ini dilakukan di lingkup Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Ciamis dengan melibatkan beberapa rekan yang menjadi fasilitator dan instruktur Program Guru Penggerak &nbsp;yang diharapkan dapat berhasil meningkatkan kompetensi guru. Kompetensi guru sangat berperan penting dalam mempengaruhi kualitas pembelajaran di kelas, dan hal tersebut akan &nbsp;mendorong hasil belajar murid sehingga akan bermuara terhadap meningkatnya mutu Pendidikan. Metode dilakukan dengan melakukan pelatihan blended terhadap&nbsp; guru TK, SD, dan SMP sebanyak 150 orang guru di lingkungan Dinas Pendidikan. Melalui </em><em>Pelatihan guru transformatif, peserta</em> <em>mampu memiliki kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh sekolah dalam mendidik murid sesuai dengan&nbsp; Kebijakan Merdeka Belajar.</em></p> Karyat Heryana* Sumarto Sumarto Asep Suryana Cepi Triatna Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 8 4 1233 1240 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.22236 Counseling Using Booklet Media And Simulation Of Food Handler Hygiene During The Covid-19 Endemic https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/17432 <p><em>SARS-Cov-2 is a new virus that causes respiratory diseases that can cause respiratory system disorders, acute pneumonia, and death. The COVID-19 endemic continues to show positive things towards the endemic. The step to prevent COVID-19 is to convey information to the public regarding the prevention of COVID-19. The importance of hygiene in food handlers so that safe food is served is the focus of the implementation of Community Service activities. Hygiene implementation behavior is supported by nutritional knowledge, attitudes or behavior of the handler starting from the preparation, cleaning, processing, transportation to serving to consumers. Booklets as a health education communication medium can increase the average knowledge and nutritional attitudes of the handler towards the implementation of institutional food hygiene. Community service through a community partnership program was carried out through counseling and simulations using booklet media in Batu Merah Village as an effort to implement food handler hygiene during the Covid-19 endemic period. The counseling participants were food handlers at the Batu Merah Village Institutional Food Site, totaling 50 people. This activity adds insight into the thinking of participants regarding the application of hygiene, and through simulations the handlers can realize hygiene practices and be applied every day at food service institutions.</em></p> Khartini Kaluku* Martha Puspita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 8 4 1107 1114 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.17432 Increasing High School Students' Digital Literacy Through Interactive Learning https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/19401 <p><em>Naskah ini membahas tentang pelaksanaan kegiatan masyarakat literasi digital di SLTA di kota Salatiga. Sebelum pelaksanaan kegiatan telah disusun buku ajar Literasi Digital di Era Industri 4.0 dan Sosial 5.0. Materi dibagi menjadi dua sesi dan diajarkan kepada siswa di tiga sekolah di Salatiga. Tiap sekolah dipilih 50 siswa kelas 11. Metode pengajaran yang digunakan adalah metode interaktif dalam 2 sesi selama empat bulan untuk tiap sekolah. Sebelum dan setelah pembelajaran dilakukan uji pre-test dan post-test yang berisi soal-soal pemahaman tentang pengetahuan yang ada di buku ajar yang disiapkan.</em></p> <p><em>Nilai pre-test dan post-test dianalisis menggunakan uji t untuk sampel berpasangan. Hasilnya metode pembelajaran yang dilakukan dapat meningkatkan literasi siswa SLTA di kota Salatiga. Buku ajar dan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat dilanjutkan untuk mempersiapkan para siswa memasuki perguruan tinggi, yang dapat mengakses berbagai sumber digital secara benar dan aman.</em></p> Eko Sediyono Tintien Koerniawati Ahmad Zamsuri Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 8 4 1252 1260 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.19401 Training on Making Bokashi Fertilizer in Dosan Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/20272 <p><em>Community service activities have been carried out in Dosan Village in Dosan Village, Pusako District, Siak Regency, where most of the people are farmers. Based on the results of an initial survey of several farmers and village officials who wanted to know information about making bokashi, it can be concluded that the people of Dosan Village deserve training on bokashi making techniques. The training was carried out with the aim of increasing the knowledge and skills of village communities in processing organic waste from household and agricultural waste. The service activities will be carried out for 6 months, starting from the preparation of the service team to partner locations to monitoring and evaluation and publication as a form of output from this service activity. Service activities are carried out using lecture and demonstration methods. The results of the service activities showed that there was an increase in partner participants' knowledge regarding bokashi fertilizer before and after the activity with percentage of 76 to 86%. The results of the paired t-test also show that there is a significant difference in the increase in farmers' knowledge before and after community service activities.</em></p> Fathurrahman Ilma Satriana Dewi Salmita Salman Nursamsul Kustiawan Heriyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 8 4 1241 1251 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.20272 Counseling to Strength Religious Moderation In The Framework of Handling Religious And National Conflicts In Riau Province https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/19373 <p><em>Religious conflicts often occur in heterogeneous communities, including communities in Riau province. This paper aims to determine the results of community service carried out in the form of counseling on strengthening religious moderation in order to overcome religious conflicts and national conflicts in Riau Province. The community service carried out uses the PAR (Participation Action Research) method, which is a method for developing moderate attitudes and behaviors and promoting peace among religious leaders, community leaders, and youth in Riau Province, with 3 stages, namely&nbsp; planning, implementation and the reflection or evaluation stage. The results of this community service obtained that the implementation of this service was successfully carried out according to planning. Then, this service reflects a positive impact on the participants who attended the counseling, which further fosters the spirit of moderation in their religion, a steady spirit of tolerance and increasingly appreciates local wisdom and of course gets new knowledge that is useful in heterogeneous community for harmonious and peaceful life.</em></p> Azni Irien Violinda Anggraini Mutasir Luqman Hakim Alhudry Rian Vebrianto Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 8 4 1261 1274 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.19373 Dissemination of the Media and Platforms Use to Strengthen Scientific Literacy in the Merdeka Curriculum Implementation in Elementary Schools https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/16225 <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Media and platforms are important components of scientific literacy learning in implementing the Merdeka curriculum in elementary schools. This community service activity aims to disseminate the use of media and platforms to strengthen scientific literacy in implementing the independent curriculum in elementary schools. The method used is socialization, which includes several stages: identifying problems and needs, determining training topics, and evaluating. This activity was attended by 60 teachers in Kuningan Regency. In terms of process, the implementation of community service was conducive at both the online and offline stages of implementing activities. Participants were very enthusiastic about participating in question-and-answer activities, practices, and presentations on media use. All participants developed learning media and presented it in front of other participants. The success of implementing this community service is assessed from the implementation process and the output, where there is an increase in teacher understanding regarding scientific literacy and the use of media and platforms to strengthen scientific literacy skills.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em> <em>science literacy media and platforms, </em><em>merdeka</em><em> curriculum, elementary schools</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Media dan platform merupakan komponen penting pembelajaran literasi sains dalam implementasi kurikulum merdeka di sekolah dasar. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mendiseminasikan penggunaan media dan platform penguatan literasi sains dalam implementasi kurikulum merdeka di sekolah dasar. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu sosialisasi mencakup beberapa tahapan yaitu identifikasi permasalahan dan kebutuhan, penentuan topik pelatihan, dan evaluasi. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 60 guru di Kabupaten Kuningan. Dari segi proses, pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian berlangsung kondusif dan lancar baik pada tahap pelaksanaan kegiatan daring maupun luring. Peserta sangat antusias berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tanya jawab, praktik, dan presentasi penggunaan media. Semua peserta turut andil dalam mengembangkan media pembelajaran dan mempresentasikannya di depan peserta yang lain. Keberhasilan pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini selain dinilai dari proses pelaksanaan juga dinilai dari output pengabdian dimana adanya peningkatan pemahaman guru terkait literasi sains serta penggunaan media maupun platform penguatan kemampuan literasi sains.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata kunci</em></strong><em>: media dan platform literasi sains, kurikulum merdeka, sekolah dasar</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Izzah Muyassaroh Rosiana Mufliva Tatat Hartati Dwi Heryanto Effy Mulyasari Ira Rengganis Rina Heryani Copyright (c) 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 8 4 1275 1287 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.16225 A Skill Building Social Media About Forest Tourism https://journal.unilak.ac.id/index.php/dinamisia/article/view/21117 <p><em>Social media helps tourist destinations build their image and branding. By sharing interesting visual content, traveler experience stories, and positive testimonials, tourist destinations can strengthen their identity in the public eye. The use of social media also allows a tourist destination to interact directly with tourists, by answering questions, providing recommendations, and sharing personal tourist experiences. This study aims to determine the respondents' level of understanding of the creation of social media about forest tourism in increasing the visibility and attractiveness of tourism in Lampung province, focusing on theories that support the role of social media in influencing tourist decisions. Respondents in this study amounted to 28 people who were parties to the Government Office which included the Tourism Office, Hiudp Environmental Service, Forestry Service, SDA Pesawaran, KPH Pesawaran, and Tahura. The implementation of this community service activity was carried out using lecture and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) methods conducted directly by lecturers of the Forestry Department and Social Media Training Resource Persons by Lampung Geh. The results of the pre-test and post-test show that if there is an increase in participants' understanding of social media related to ecotourism. The data analysis conducted shows a significant increase in participants' knowledge, this reflects the material provided by the resource person can be understood by the participants. The percentage of the pre-test value is 66% while for the post-test value is 95%, so there is an increase of 29%.</em></p> Fadela Yunika Sari Christine Wulandari Pitojo Budiono Zeda Erdian Vinanda Arum Tri Kurniawan Fadela Yunika Sari Adella Putri Apriliani Pindo Riski Saputra M. Aditya Putra Erni Vida Aina Heni Triana Jumaiyah Copyright (c) 2024 Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 2024-08-29 2024-08-29 8 4 1288 1296 10.31849/dinamisia.v8i4.21117