Policy Design in Realizing Order and Security in Pekanbaru City Based on Collaboration

  • Khairullah Al Addauri Universitas Riau
  • Seno Andri* Universitas Riau
  • Zaili Rusli Universitas Riau
  • Ali Yusri Universitas Riau


To achieve the SDGs goals reflected in 17 sectors, the Indonesian government needs a lot of investment. There are eight investment areas, one of which is clean government, as well as public order and security. To realize security and order requires the role of various sectors considering that the community police ratio in Indonesia is still high. In Pekanbaru City a community policing strategy is used to tackle the problem. The components of community policing are partnership/collaboration and problem solving. The purpose of this research is to formulate a collaborative model in realizing order and security in Pekanbaru City. The approach used in this research is pospositifism with descriptive qualitative method. Data collection methods are observation and in-depth interviews. The result of the research is a community empowerment policy model in realizing order and security with a collaborative approach in Pekanbaru City. Some factors that influence the success of this model are adaptation of collaboration, drivers of collaboration, network structure and trust. It is necessary to optimize these four factors to create order and security in Pekanbaru City.


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