Valuasi Jasa Lingkungan Ekowisata Dengan Kesediaan Membayar dan Minat Wisatawan

  • Enny Insusanty Enny Insusanty Universitas Riau
Keywords: Valuation, environmental services, willingness to pay, tour packages



This research aims to determine the valuation of ecotourism environmental services, using the willingness to pay and tourist interest methods. Data processing is carried out by classifying data from research results into tabulation. The selection of tourism potential that can be used as support in preparing tour packages is carried out using descriptive analysis and consideration by the management of Tahura Sultan Syarif Hasyim Minas. Willingness to pay analysis is intended to determine visitors' willingness to pay for the tour packages offered according to visitors' abilities. To calculate how much visitors are willing to pay. The tourism potential of TAHURA Sultan Syarif Hasyim Minas is a theater stage and playground, campground, tree house, mushroom house, cycling track, flower garden, suspension bridge, lake, nursery. The valuation of ecotourism environmental services is IDR 192,368,936. The level of tourist ability in terms of willingness to pay for an educational tour package is IDR 50,426,809,- with a percentage of 19.1%, visitors are willing to pay IDR 165,000,- for 1 package per person. The family tour package is worth IDR 69,103,404, - with a percentage of 39.4%


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