Pemanfaatan Abu Ampas Tebu Dan Limbah Karbit Sebagai Bahan Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung Terhadap Nilai CBR (California Bearing Ratio)

  • Andi Hastarizki Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Lusi Dwi Putri Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Fitridawati Seohardi Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: Bagasse ash, CBR, clay, carbide wasten, stabilization


The problems that occur in the construction of road works are caused by the low carrying capacity of the soil, one of which is clay soil. So that when building construction of road works it is necessary to pay attention to the carrying capacity of the soil. Stabilization technique is a soil improvement technique by mixing additives into the soil to be tested. Clay soil with an admixture of ash bagasse which has compound elements silica (SiO2) as well as carbide waste which has elements of lime (CaO), so it is necessary to carry out further research and testing in the laboratory with the aim of obtaining a value California Bearing Ratio on variations in the mixing of bagasse ash and carbide waste. The research method used was an experimental method in the laboratory with reference (SNI 1744: 2012) to a mixture of 8%, 12% and 15% sugarcane bagasse ash and 9% constant in carbide waste. The soil used in this study was taken at Jalan Badak, Tenayan Raya District, Pekanbaru City, Riau, which was then tested in the laboratory by testing specific gramavity, soil density and California Bearing Ratio with an incubation time of 7 days. From the results of CBR testing in the laboratory, the highest variation of 15% AAT and 9% CCR resulted in a maximum CBR value at 100% MDD of 7.30% of the original soil of 1.60% which showed an increase in the percentage of CBR value of 6% between additions AAT and CCR variations with CBR values. From the results of the study it can be concluded that there is an increase in the percentage of the CBR value where the higher the variation in the addition of bagasse ash and carbide waste, the higher the percentage of the CBR value in clay soil. It is suggested for further research to vary the percentage of bagasse ash and carbide waste and use different testing methods.



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