Resolution of Disputes Regarding the Rights of Domestic Workers in Indonesian Labor

  • Fhlorida Agustina Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: Domestic Worker, Labour Law, Dispute Resolution


The aim of this research is to analyze the resolution of disputes when the rights of domestic workers are not granted by employers or domestic worker placement agencies based on Indonesian Labor Law and to examine the employer's responsibility in resolving disputes over the rights of domestic workers under Indonesian Labor Law. The method employed is normative legal research, focusing on dispute resolution for Domestic Workers. The findings reveal that domestic workers can utilize alternative dispute resolution to settle their disputes with employers. Dispute resolution, in cases where the rights of domestic workers are not provided by employers or placement agencies, can be addressed through both litigation and non-litigation channels. Current industrial relations dispute resolution regulations only mention conflicts between laborers/workers and employers/supervisors. According to Labor Law, domestic workers are not officially recognized as workers/laborers, yet employers are still responsible for the rights of domestic workers. The formulation of legislation specifically safeguarding the rights of domestic workers is crucial to provide the necessary protection for this group of workers.



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How to Cite
Fhlorida Agustina. (2023). Resolution of Disputes Regarding the Rights of Domestic Workers in Indonesian Labor . Jurnal Gagasan Hukum, 5(02), 70-79.
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