Legal Protection for Civilians and Businesses from Acts of Anarchism During Protests

  • Askana Fikriana Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Bengkalis
  • Bagus Cahyo Pratama Putra
  • Yona Marsela
  • Suparjo
Keywords: Civilian Legal Protection, Anarchism, Protest


This research aims to explore the concept of anarchism in protest situations, as well as identify protection strategies for civilians and businesses. The research approach includes the analysis of literature related to anarchism, protests, and efforts to protect civilians, as well as an evaluation of the legal framework in place. The research findings emphasize the importance of adhering to legal boundaries and ethics in every protest action. While freedom of speech is a guaranteed fundamental right, it is also a responsibility not to abuse that right. Protection of the rights of civilians and businesses is also a key factor. The role of the police in ensuring protest safety must not be overlooked; they play a crucial role in ensuring that the activities proceed in an orderly and secure manner. Criminal accountability for acts of anarchism forms a strong basis for maintaining societal order and security. By understanding and complying with legal regulations, we can shape an inclusive, transparent, and democratic society, and create a solid foundation for collective progress. This research provides deep insights into the urgency of protecting civilians and businesses from anarchism during protests. The implications of this research include the implementation of public policies and compliance with the law to ensure safety and human rights in every demonstration. It is hoped that the findings of this research will make a positive contribution in addressing the challenges of protecting civilians and bussinnesesfrom anarchism in protests.


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How to Cite
Fikriana, A., Bagus Cahyo Pratama Putra, Marsela, Y., & Suparjo. (2024). Legal Protection for Civilians and Businesses from Acts of Anarchism During Protests. Jurnal Gagasan Hukum, 5(02), 119-127.
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