Interaksi Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Paitan (Tithonia diversifolia) dan Pupuk NPK terhadap Pertumbumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogaea L)


  • Grase Silaban Lancang kuning
Keywords: Poc Paitan, NPK fertilizer, peanut



The peanut plant (Arachis hypogaea L) is an important source of vegetable fat and protein for the Indonesian population. Fertilization is one of increasing the nutrients in the soil, and improving soil structure so that the availability of plant nutrients is met properly. The organic fertilizer used is Paitan. Meanwhile, the inorganic fertilizer used is NPK Mutiara 16:16:16. The purpose of this study was to determine the interaction effect of liquid organic fertilizer paitan and NPK 16:16:16 and the best dose on the growth of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea L ). This research was carried out experimentally using a factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), which consisted of two factors, namely P(POC Paitan) which consisted of 3 levels, and factor N (NPK fertilizer) which consisted of 3 levels, and each of them had 3 replications, the number of experimental units was 27 plots, each plot consisted of 9 plants and 3 plants as samples. The factors to be examined are factor P0 without giving POC Paitan, P1 giving POC Paitan 200 cc/liter, P2 giving POC Paitan 400 cc/liter, factor N0 without giving NPK, N1 giving NPK (16:16:16) 7.2 g/plot, N2 Administration of NPK (16:16:16) 14.4 g/plot. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the administration of POC Paitan 400 ml/plot had a significant effect on all observed parameters, namely growth in plant height, number of branches, number of pods, dry pod weight, seed weight, and weight of 100 peanut seeds. The application of NPK 14.4 g/plot had a significant effect on all observed parameters, namely plant height growth, number of branches, number of pods, dry pod weight, seed weight, and weight of 100 peanut seeds. The P2N2 interaction (paitan POC 400 ml/plot + NPK 14.4 g/plot) had a significant effect on all observed parameters, namely plant height, number of branches, number of pods, dry pod weight, seed weight, and weight of 100 peanut seeds.



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