Author Guidelines

Editorial Policy

Writing Articles for the Pedagogical Research Journal is published twice a year, every June and December, containing papers/articles about ideas and research written by experts, educators, practitioners and reviewers in the fields of education, learning, teaching in studies.

Submission Preparation Checklist

  • Attach a statement that the article has never been published in another publication and in any form.
  • The manuscript is written in English
  • Submission files are in Microsoft Word file format (*.doc, *.docx).
  • Article length between 3000 to 6000 words (including bibliography, notes and tables).
  • Every article will be given a plagiarism test.
  • Plagiarism/similarity index does not exceed 20%

Authors must strictly follow the journal submission guidelines. Submissions that do not comply with the guidelines provided will be RETURNED FOR CORRECTION.

Structure Guidelines

Title : The title should be short, clear and informative, but not exceed 20 words. . The font used is Bookman Old Style, 14, and bold.

Writer's name : The author's name is written below the title using Bookman Old Style, 10, bold and cannot be abbreviated. The name of the institution and the author's email address are written below the author's name.

Abstract : Maximum 250 words. Contains: Research objectives, research methodology, data analysis, and research findings. Typed using Bookman Old Style 10 font and single spaced.

Keywords : 3-5 keywords. Keywords are in lowercase except for names

Introduction : Contains the background of a problem, problem gaps, urgency and rationalization of activities, resolution plans, activity objectives, and hypothesis development. Typed using Bookman Old Style 10 font and single spacing

Method : The method contains an explanation of the research approach, research subject, implementation of research procedures, use of materials and instruments, data collection, and analysis techniques. (Bookman Old Style 10 and Single spacing)

Findings and Discussion : The findings are presented in full and relate to the previously determined research scope. Findings may be supplemented with tables, graphs, and/or charts. Tables and figures are numbered and titled. The results of data analysis are explained properly in the article. The discussion section explains the findings logically, linked to relevant sources. (Bookman Old Style 10 and Single spacing)

Conclusion : The conclusion contains a brief summary of findings and discussion. Conclusions are findings in research that have answers to research questions or research objectives. Research findings provide suggestions or contributions to the application and/or development of research. Acknowledgment (optional)

Reference : Contains reference sources with journals and books published in the last 5 years. APA style. It is recommended to use Mendeley or other similar applications.