Adjustment on Number of Papers & Template


Dear authors and readers,

We are thrilled to announce that REiLA: Journal of Research and Innovation in Language is increasing the number of papers in each issue, starting with Volume 3 in 2021. This expansion is due to the growing number of submissions and the increasing number of reviewers joining our editorial team from around the globe.

We are grateful for the many talented reviewers who have joined us in this effort to promote language research and innovation. Their expertise and commitment to scholarship have helped us maintain the highest standards of peer review and publication ethics. With their support, we are confident that we can continue to provide a platform for language researchers to publish their work and advance the field.

To accommodate this increase in published manuscripts, we have made some adjustments to REiLA Journal's template. We have worked closely with academia to ensure that our journal continues to meet the highest standards of scholarship and publication ethics. These changes will enable us to publish more articles while maintaining the quality and integrity of our peer-reviewed content.

We would like to express our gratitude to our authors, peer reviewers, and editorial team for their continued support and contributions to the success of REiLA Journal of Research and Innovation in Language. We remain committed to providing a platform for language researchers to publish their work and advance the field of language research and innovation.

To download the newest template you may click here or copy this link to your browser:

Warm Regards,

Budianto Hamuddin