Article Withdrawal

Withdrawal Guidelines

ARTICLE WITHDRAWAL (At Any Point Before the Author Receive the Letter of Acceptance)

Manuscripts may only be withdrawn if they have not been formally published. Withdrawn means that the article content (PDF file) is removed and replaced with a PDF file that simply states that the article has been withdrawn according to the REiLA Journal’s Policy on Article Withdrawal. Authors may contact the editors to withdraw their manuscript if:

  1. The same manuscript was accidentally submitted more than once in REiLA Journal.
  2. The manuscript contained too many errors.
  3. The manuscript represented infringements of professional ethical codes (Read: Publication Ethics), such as multiple submissions, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, or the like.

To withdraw an article, the authors must write a clear and concise letter with an in-depth explanation as to why the manuscript needs to be withdrawn. All authors must sign the letter. The subject email should be “Withdrawal of [manuscript ID]: [article title].”

REiLA journal maintains the right to withdraw an article due to the presence of plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, or violations of other ethical codes.

ARTICLE RETRACTION (After Formal Publication)

Articles that have been formally published on the website may be retracted. In the place of the article, a note titled “Retraction of [manuscript ID]: [article title],” signed by the authors, will be published on the website as a part of the subsequent issue. The original link will still contain the article but will contain a watermark and will be preceded by the note. The HTML version will be removed.

Your published article can be retracted if it infringes professional, ethical codes, such as multiple submissions, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data, or the like. Occasionally a retraction will be used to correct errors in submission or publication. The retraction article by its authors or the editor under the advice of members of the scholarly community has long been an occasional feature of the learned world.

ARTICLE REMOVAL (After Formal Publication)

In very extreme cases, where an article is clearly defamatory, infringes legal rights, is subject to a court order, and poses health risks, it will be removed from the online database and will be replaced with a screen indicating why the article was removed. The metadata (Title and Authors) in research databases may remain, but the text will not be available afterward.

ARTICLE REPLACEMENT (After Formal Publication)

If an article contains information that will pose a health risk, the author may retract the original article and replace it with the new, corrected version. The article retraction process will be followed, and the retraction note will contain the new link to the re-published article and a history of the document.