PISA-Like Questions on News Items: A Novel Approach to Reading Literacy

Keywords: PISA Task, Reading Literacy, Students’ literacy, News items, Evaluation


Due to PISA inconsistencies and three years of learning loss, Indonesia's new curriculum paradigm focuses on core skills, particularly reading literacy. In 2021, the minimum competency assessment (MCA) took the place of the national assessment, and since then it has had teachers and students worried about academic success. This research aims to develop valid, practical, and effective PISA-like reading questions to prepare students for the MCA. The development study was used as a grand framework of design research, consisting of a preliminary evaluation stage and a formative evaluation stage. This research involved 45 15-year-old middle school students of varied reading literacy levels. The analysis in this research was conducted qualitatively based on data from interviews, document reviews, observations, and tests to see how students worked on PISA-like reading literacy questions. This research produced valid and practical PISA-like reading literacy questions according to the PISA 2022 framework. In terms of content, the PISA-like reading literacy questions focus on topics of news items. In terms of context, students explore new situations, especially in relation to health. Student competences are measured at the application and reasoning levels. This study suggests that PISA-like reading literacy questions can be a source of inspiration for teachers in designing questions, and they can be used to improve students' literacy skills.


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Author Biographies

Medio Nisphi, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

The author holds a degree in Master of Indonesian Language Education from Sriwijaya University and is presently engaged in a teaching profession program at Palembang Muhammadiyah University. Concurrently, he serves as a master teacher at Ruangguru, contributing to the instruction of Indonesian language courses. His scholarly pursuits encompass the domains of linguistics, literature, and education, with a keen focus on research endeavors. The focal areas of his research encompass educational technology and pedagogical methods, alongside a parallel exploration of sociolinguistic dimensions.

Zahra Alwi, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Zahra Alwi is a distinguished lecturer specializing in Indonesian Language and Literature Education. She earned her Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees from Sriwijaya University, the Teacher Training and Education Institute of Malang, and Islamic State University Raden Fatah Palembang, respectively. Currently, her roles encompass lecturing, thesis supervision, collaborative research, and community service. Zahra instructs courses such as Language Teaching Planning, Curriculum Analysis, and Indonesian Language Teaching Practice, demonstrating her commitment to education and scholarship.

Santi Oktarina, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia

Santi Oktarina is an accomplished lecturer in Indonesian Language and Literature Education, with research expertise in learning model development, ethnography, and classroom action research. Holding a Bachelor's and Master's Degree from Sriwijaya University, as well as a Doctoral Degree from Jakarta State University, she actively engages in teaching and leadership roles, spanning Teaching, Research, and Community Service pillars. Her instructional portfolio includes courses like Learning Strategy, Indonesian Language for Foreigners, Introduction to Education, Indonesian Language, Language Acquisition, and Seminar on Language and Literature, showcasing her commitment to advancing education.


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How to Cite
Nisphi, M., Alwi, Z., & Oktarina, S. (2023). PISA-Like Questions on News Items: A Novel Approach to Reading Literacy. REiLA : Journal of Research and Innovation in Language, 5(2), 178-199. https://doi.org/10.31849/reila.v5i2.12146
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