Glimpsing Indonesia’s Social Media Discourse: What Goes on During the Covid-19 Infodemic

  • Rafi Ronny Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia,
  • Herdis Herdiansyah Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia,
  • Berton Suar Pelita Panjaitan Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Republik Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Covid-19, Infodemics, Misinformation, Critical Discourse Analysis, Social Media


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an "infodemic", of false and true information circulating on social media platforms. This phenomenon has posed various challenges in implementing disaster management programs to mitigate the effects of the pandemic, both globally and specifically in Indonesia. This study seeks to investigate the public's perception of social media discourse during the COVID-19 infodemic in Indonesia. Both primary and secondary data were collected to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issue. The primary data was collected through a focused group discussion (FGD) method. Meanwhile, secondary data sources were gathered using a literature review of scholarly articles. Approximately 60 articles were selected from sources such as Google Scholar and PubMed, published between 2019 and 2022. The articles were selected based on their relevance of the topic discussion. The study used Critical Discourse Analysis by Fairclough and Wodak (1997) to analyze the data. Both of the data were then synthesized to glimpse how the infodemic has impacted various disaster management efforts across various parts of the country. The results revealed that the infodemic has worsened public perceptions of how the Indonesian government handles COVID-19 as well as disrupting various disaster management processes. The study finds that the infodemic's impact on the public's perception has resulted in misinformation hampering effective pandemic management efforts. By recognizing the severity of the infodemic and working to combat it, Indonesia can more effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic and minimize its negative impact on the public.


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Author Biographies

Rafi Ronny, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia,
Rafi Ronny Wazier is a Master Degree student at the School of Environmental Science, University of Indonesia in the Disaster Management Study Program. Rafi graduated in 2021 from English Studies Program, Universitas Indonesia. The author has also held other positions such as being the head of secretariat at Disaster Risk Reduction Center of Universitas Indonesia. His research interests include critical discourse analysis as well as environmental disaster related subjects, especially disasters that are triggered by technological faults. Currently the author works at as an IT Workflow Supervisor at an international Japanese Company that is based in the Marunouchi area, Tokyo, Japan.
Herdis Herdiansyah, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia,

Dr. Herdis Herdiansyah serves as a lecturer at the School of Environmental Science, Universitas Indonesia. His research expertise lies in the fields of Environment and Social Science, System Thinking, social conflict and environment, Community Engagement, and Environment and Human Interaction. His research endeavors are focused on Restoration and Conservation Based on Community Empowerment and Religious Understanding. Additionally, Dr. Herdiansyah holds the esteemed position of heading the Research Cluster of Interaction, Community Engagement, and Social Environment within the School of Environmental Science at Universitas Indonesia.

Berton Suar Pelita Panjaitan, Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Republik Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Berton Suar Pelita Panjaitan, Ph.D., serves as a distinguished officer in the Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana Republik Indonesia (Indonesian National Agency of Disaster Management). He holds a Ph.D. in Hazard and Disaster Management, which he earned from the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. Dr. Panjaitan is actively involved in the academic community, imparting his knowledge on Disaster Management at various universities across Indonesia.

Currently, he holds the esteemed position of Director for Disaster Mitigation at the Indonesian National Agency of Disaster Management, where he continues to contribute significantly to the field of disaster management and mitigation.


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How to Cite
Ronny, R., Herdiansyah, H., & Panjaitan, B. S. P. (2023). Glimpsing Indonesia’s Social Media Discourse: What Goes on During the Covid-19 Infodemic. REiLA : Journal of Research and Innovation in Language, 5(3), 234-251.
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