Navigating Hybrid Language Learning Realities: Students' Views on Workload & Time Allocation during Covid-19

  • Ahmad Jum’a Khatib Universitas Gunadarma, Depok, Indonesia
  • Yasir Riady Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Covid-19 pandemic, hybrid learning, students perception, suitability, workload course study time


The Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia led a shift in university learning policies towards a hybrid learning model. The objective of this study is to determine how English literature students feel about the workload and time suitability of hybrid learning. The descriptive quantitative research method was employed, with questionnaires serving as instruments. The questionnaire consisted of five Likert items in order to gather information for the research findings. The questionnaire was distributed to 467 out of 870 students enrolled in the English Literature Study Program at Gunadarma University using google form and was analysed using a descriptive approach. Data collection used random sampling technique in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. Ali’s (2018) three aspects of learning literature were used to categorize the data. The eight courses perceived were categorised into 3 groups, e.g., language structure (ls), rhetorical (r) and contextual knowledge (ck). The research results show that perceptions related to time suitability are very good with an average of 45.30% (ck), 48.68% (r), and 48.9% (ls). The perception of workload also has positive results, with 41.14% (ls), 42.26% (r) and 48.7% (ck). These results indicate that the learning model is feasible and acceptable for language and literature study program. The findings highlighted collaboration and commitment of participants in hybrid learning environments. It also displayed the eight courses that were thought to be required for determining the best teaching-learning strategy to use for hybrid learning. In order to improve these findings, it is suggested that additional research be conducted to investigate students' perceptions of other variables.


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Author Biographies

Ahmad Jum’a Khatib, Universitas Gunadarma, Depok, Indonesia

Ahmad Jum'a Khatib, a tenured lecturer and Vice Dean at Universitas Gunadarma's Faculty of Literature and Culture. With expertise in literary and cultural studies, as well as English education, he earned his doctorate from the University of Indonesia's Cultural Studies program. He also holds a Master's degree in European Studies from the same institution and bachelor's degrees from State University of Jakarta and Ibn Chaldun University.

Yasir Riady, Universitas Terbuka, Jakarta, Indonesia

Yasir Riady is a dedicated educator and Director at the Open University, overseeing the Jambi region. His proficiencies encompass library studies and English education, areas that are intricately woven into his impactful works and research efforts. He earned his Master's degree from the esteemed University of Indonesia, showcasing his commitment to academic excellence. Additionally, he holds a bachelor's degree in Literature and English Language from the State University of Jakarta, where his scholarly journey commenced. Through his expertise and scholarly endeavors, Yasir Riady continues to make significant contributions to the educational landscape.


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How to Cite
Khatib, A. J., & Riady, Y. (2023). Navigating Hybrid Language Learning Realities: Students’ Views on Workload & Time Allocation during Covid-19. REiLA : Journal of Research and Innovation in Language, 5(2), 161-177.
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