Metacognitive Reading Comprehension Instructional Model on Narrative Text: A Mixed Method for Enhancing Students’ Comprehension

  • Juliana Juliana Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, Indonesia
  • Risa Anggraini Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Metacognitive strategies, Reading comprehension, Instructional model, Narrative text


This study highlights the integration of metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension through a novel Three-phases instructional model, focusing on metacognitive strategies (pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading). This innovative model is distinct in its holistic approach to enhancing students' reading comprehension by activating their prior knowledge, engaging them actively in the reading process, and fostering reflective comprehension towards a successful strategic reading journey. Targeting narrative texts, the research was conducted with 70 junior school students from Tanjung Morawa, specifically selected for their lower proficiency in reading comprehension, highlighting the model's focus on addressing the needs of struggling readers. Through a mixed-method approach, employing both tests and questionnaires for data collection, the study demonstrated that the instructional model significantly boosts students' reading comprehension. The mean score improvement from 62.85 (pre-test) to 83.71 (post-test) underscores the model's effectiveness and its potential to significantly enhance students' reading comprehension skills. A survey of 35 students further validated the model's role in elevating their awareness and motivation for reading, with making a prediction which got 28 (80.0%) is the most commonly used, followed by restating ideas with 23 (65.7%) and thinking aloud with 21 (60.0%). These results not only bridge the existing gap in reading instruction but also carry significant implications for educational practices and literacy development. It serves as a testament to the potential of innovative instructional models in enhancing reading comprehension.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Juliana, Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, Indonesia

Juliana serves as a Lecturer in the Department of English Education at the University of Potensi Utama's Faculty of Social Science and Education. Her academic focus spans the realms of linguistics, particularly as it intersects with English language learning and teaching methodologies. Her contributions to the field are marked by a keen interest in exploring innovative pedagogical strategies and enhancing linguistic understanding, positioning her as a notable figure in the advancement of English education. Through her research and teaching, Juliana actively seeks to deepen the academic discourse surrounding language acquisition, aiming to elevate the efficacy and reach of English language education.

Risa Anggraini, Universitas Potensi Utama, Medan, Indonesia

Risa Anggraini presently holds a lecturing position within the English Education Department at the Faculty of Social Science and Education, University of Potensi Utama. Her scholarly interests are primarily centered on the pedagogy and acquisition of the English language, reflecting a dedicated pursuit of advancing knowledge and methodologies in English language education. Through her research, Risa aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue and development within the field, focusing on innovative approaches to teaching and learning the English language.


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How to Cite
Juliana, J., & Anggraini, R. (2024). Metacognitive Reading Comprehension Instructional Model on Narrative Text: A Mixed Method for Enhancing Students’ Comprehension. REiLA : Journal of Research and Innovation in Language, 6(1), 59-73.
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