A Morphological Process of Derivational Affixes in Popular LINE Webtoon: The Annarasumanara

  • Baiatun Nisa Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika, Jakarta. Indonesia
Keywords: Morphological Process, Affixes, Derivation, LINE Webtoon, Annarasumanara


This research tries to analyze the morphological process of derivational affixes in a popular LINE Webtoon comic titled Annarasumanara authored by Il Kwon Ha. This research uses a synchronic descriptive approach in which data are collected and explained naturally. The objects of this research are the conversations in Annarasumanara from episode 1 to 10. The results of the research are 53 words that changed word classes, involving 7 derivational prefixes and 47 derivational suffixes. The suffix “-ly” is the most dominantly used in the Webtoon. This study revealed not only the detailed morphological process of affix analysis but also the grammatical categories of words and meanings.


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How to Cite
Nisa, B. (2020). A Morphological Process of Derivational Affixes in Popular LINE Webtoon: The Annarasumanara. REiLA : Journal of Research and Innovation in Language, 2(2), 85-92. https://doi.org/10.31849/reila.v2i2.4656
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