Author Guidelines


Journal of Sainetin is a scientific journal published by Electrical Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, University of Lancang Kuning Pekanbaru as a vehicle for publication of scientific / research work in Science, Energy, Technology and Industry.


The manuscript is written in either Indonesian or standard English.


The composition of the manuscript contains the title, abstract (in Indonesian and English), introduction, discussion, conclusions and bibliography and written without the use of sub-titles. The title briefly and clearly indicates its contents, written bold in Indonesian or English. Number of word titles up to 12 words. Writing the title of the article is suggested using Bahasa Indonesia in accordance with the Enhanced Spell (EYD). If there are words in English, it is written in Italic format. Below the title is the name of the author (without degree degree) and the institution, as well as the email address.

ABTRACT in English is written italic, and Abstract / Abstract contains problems, methodology and results. Abstract / Abstract contains a maximum of 200 words and comes with keywords / keywords as many as 3-5 words written underneath.

INTRODUCTION contains backgrounds, problem formulations, objectives, methodologies and literature reviews that cover the relevant literature review and theoretical basis, without using subtitles. Sources of information are designated by writing in parentheses: author's last name and year of publication.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION describes the results of qualitative and / or quantitative analysis with emphasis on the answer to the problem.

CONCLUSION contains a brief statement of results extracted from the discussion. Suggestions can be written at the very end.


  1. Quotes and References are written according to IEEE standards, Quotations are numbered in [1], [2], [3], ... formats as they appear.
  2. Bottom arranged alphabetically by first author's first name.
  3. Go right:
  • Book: author's last name, initial name (abbreviated), middle name (abbreviated), year, book title, volume, issue, publisher name, city.
  • Magazine: author's last name, first name (short), middle name (abbreviated), year, title, magazine name, issue, publisher name, city.
  • Journal: author's last name, initial name (disngkat), middle name (abbreviated), title of writing, journal name, volume, number, year.
  1. Wikipedia, personal blogs, and non-scientific websites are not allowed.
  2. The main reference shall be taken at maximum 5 years.


Typing of manuscript done with distance 1 spasi, paper width 21 cm height 29,7 cm (A4), not back and forth, writing length 8-10 page. Times New Roman 10 point, upper, lower, left 3 cm, and right 2.5 cm without footnote. Picture / Photo is a digital image (scanner result) that blends in text, using greyscale color. It is not permissible to use patch images in the text.

Table numbering (above table), image (below picture) with sequence number. The equations are written with Arabic numerals on the right edge between brackets).

INTRODUCTION, DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS AND LIST REFERENCES are made with 2 columns with a distance between columns 0.5 cm.


The manuscript is sent to a double Editor accompanied by softcopy (typed in MS Word is recommended) and a written Statement has never been published in another publication.


At the end of the paper included the author's biographical data includes: full name, place of birth date, address of korespodensi (home / office and email), graduation year and knowledge for S-1, S-2, or S-3 specialization and scientific interest as well - other things that are considered necessary to be listed

EDITION reserves the right to reject the manuscript that does not meet the technical criteria / requirements, make changes to the text, correct the language and consult the author before the manuscript is published. The editor is not responsible for the contents of the articles that are published and the responsibility is fully delegated to the author concerned.

Download Author Guidelines here

Download Statement Letter here