Pelatihan Pemanduan Wisata Berbahasa Isyarat melalui Video Virtual Tour bagi Kelompok Penggerak Pariwisata Desa Wisata Alamendah

  • Ghoitsa Rohmah Nurazizah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: inclusive tourism, sign language, Deaf friend


The progress of tourism seems has not pay enough attention to the needs of people with disabilities in terms of physical, moreover in the non-physical aspects such as inclusive communication for all tourists. The experience of traveling will be very memorable if there is effective and pleasant communication between tourists and tour managers. This communication can be applied if the manager understands how to communicate using the language that understood by people with disabilities, one of which is sign language. In this community service, sign language training is carried out for tourism community (operators) in order to bridge the need for a memorable travel experience for all tourists, including deaf tourists. This training was initiated early in Alamendah Tourism Village as a tourist village that has begun to develop and well known in the Bandung Regency area. This online training, of course, apart from providing hard skill training, also opens eyes and concerns that there are many things that must be considered and prepared for tourism activities become accessible and open to all humans. This kind of training can certainly be applied elsewhere using and adopting similar steps so that attention and awareness of inclusive tourism can spread and be grounded in Indonesia.


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How to Cite
Nurazizah, G. R. (2021). Pelatihan Pemanduan Wisata Berbahasa Isyarat melalui Video Virtual Tour bagi Kelompok Penggerak Pariwisata Desa Wisata Alamendah. Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5(4).
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