Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kebencanaan Masyarakat Pangandaran Dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Tahan Bencana

  • Priyo Subekti Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Atwar Bajari Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Dadang Sugiana Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Hanny Hafiar Universitas Padjadjaran
Keywords: disaster mitigation, disaster-resistant communities, coastal communities, disaster education


Pangandaran is an environmentally-based tourism destination that is quite popular in Indonesia, but Pangandaran has a high potential for disaster. Pangandaran is ranked 16th among all districts in Indonesia in terms of disaster potential. Therefore, a program is needed to increase community resilience, community adaptability to disasters, so that people are able to act quickly and precisely when disasters occur and communities are resistant to post-disaster effects. The methods used in this service include lectures, discussions and disaster simulations. With this service activity, it is hoped that the community can: 1) understand and know how to behave when a disaster occurs to reduce disaster risk, around their place of residence; 2) the community knows how and where to look for information on disaster which includes disaster techniques and management; 3) improve the physical and mental preparedness of the community when a disaster occurs; 4) provide an understanding to the community of the importance of preserving the environment in order to avoid disasters.


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How to Cite
Subekti, P., Atwar Bajari, Dadang Sugiana, & Hanny Hafiar. (2022). Peningkatan Pengetahuan Kebencanaan Masyarakat Pangandaran Dalam Mewujudkan Masyarakat Tahan Bencana. Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 6(2), 346-352.
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