Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Edukasi GEMA CERMAT: Penggunaan Antibiotik Menggunakan Media Booklet dengan Metode CBIA (Cara Belajar Insan Aktif)

  • Musdalipah Musdalipah Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Nur Saadah Daud Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Eny Nurhikma Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Karmilah Karmilah Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Nirwati Rusli Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Reymon Reymon Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Selfyana Austin Tee Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Muhammad Azdar Setiawan Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Yulianti Fauziah Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Rifcha Selviana Puput Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Muh. Ilyas Yusuf Politeknik Bina Husada Kendari
  • Nurhikma Nurhikma Instalasi Farmasi Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Bahteramas Kendari
Keywords: Gema Cermat, antibiotic, booklet, CBIA


The high use of inappropriate antibiotics in the community is due to a lack of knowledge about antibiotics, thereby increasing the problem of antibiotic resistance. These problems can be overcome through community empowerment with Gema Cermat education through booklet media using the CBIA method. The Smart Society Using Drugs (Gema Cermat) is one of the educational efforts to increase public awareness, concern and understanding about how to use drugs properly and correctly. The purpose of the activity is to increase knowledge about the use of antibiotics using booklet media in the Punggolaka village, Puuwatu district, Kendari City. The method of activity is through Gema Cermat education with the CBIA method, pre and posttest questionnaires, booklets, pocket books, and power point presented by the pharmacist. The results show that an increase in knowledge in the good category of 100%. This is shown in the knowledge of the community at the pretest of 10.25% and increased by 100% after the posttest. Based on the results of the activity, it was concluded that Gema Cermat activities could increase public knowledge


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How to Cite
Musdalipah, M., Daud, N. S., Nurhikma, E., Karmilah, K., Rusli, N., Reymon, R., Tee, S. A., Setiawan, M. A., Fauziah, Y., Puput, R. S., Yusuf, M. I., & Nurhikma, N. (2022). Pemberdayaan Masyarakat melalui Edukasi GEMA CERMAT: Penggunaan Antibiotik Menggunakan Media Booklet dengan Metode CBIA (Cara Belajar Insan Aktif). Dinamisia : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 6(4), 931-938.
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