Implementation of The Open Group Architecture Framework to See the Readiness of Smart Schools in Pekanbaru
Smart Schools are a derivative of smart people in the 6 pillars of Smart City. Smart Schools is also a school concept utilizing information technology used in the teaching and learning process in the classroom and school administration. One of the schools in Pekanbaru City that will implement smart schools is Junior High School 17 Pekanbaru. Currently, the school already has several infrastructures including servers, laboratories, and administrative rooms, but it is necessary to analyze the technology architecture aimed at implementing Smart Schools. The technological architecture would be analyzed using TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) Framework version 9. The TOGAF framework is a framework for enterprise architecture which is able to develop an enterprise architecture in an organization. Enterprise architecture is an explicit explanation and current documentation of the relationship between management, business processes, and information technology. This research describes the current architectural conditions and target architectures to include the rules, standards, and lifecycle of information systems to optimize and maintain the environment of organizations that want to create and maintain by managing the IT portfolios. The results of this study are to produce an IT blueprint that is used as a school guide in implementing technology architecture to support the implementation of Smart Schools in Pekanbaru City.
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