• Avry Pribadi BRIN (Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia)
  • Michael Daru Enggar Wiratmoko BRIN
Keywords: Heterotrigona itama, Honey, Physicochemistry characteristics


Meliponiculture becomes popular beekeeping practices during pandemic of covid 19 since it has a good demand and price. Nonetheless, studies related characteristics of stingless bee honey from Riau province are very few and this leads to honey misconception. Objective. To examine the physicochemistry characteristics of stingless bee (H. itama) honey of four locations in Riau province using SNI 8664:2018 as the benchmark. Methods. Honey samples were taken from four regencies, i.e Rumbio Jaya, Kuok, Tambang, dan Ukui. Analyzing was conducted toward all samples using procedure stated at SNI 8664:2018. Results. All samples were categorized as honey based on organoleptic test. Moreover, honey color has range from white, light amber, light amber, dan amber depended on the locations. In addition, all samples from four locations met all requirements that are stated on the SNI 8664:2018 in parameter of diastase enzyme, hidroxylmetil furfural (HMF), percentage of reduction sugar, percentage of sucrose, and total free acidity. In moisture content, only sample from Rumbio Jaya met the requirements. Meanwhile, the others had more moisture content that is required by SNI 8664:2018. It is suggested that comprehensive study throughout the year need to be conducted to obtain more comprehensive results.   


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