• Priyaji Agung Pambudi School of Environmental Science Universitas Indonesia
  • Suyud Warno Utomo School of Environmental Science Universitas Indonesia
  • Soemarno Witoro Soelarno School of Environmental Science Universitas Indonesia
  • Noverita Dian Takarina School of Environmental Science Universitas Indonesia; Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science
Keywords: ecosystems, reclamation, coal mining, vegetation


Post-mining land is generally damaged by physical properties related to soil texture and porosity, chemistry associated with low pH levels and nutrient deficits, as well as heavy metal content, low biodiversity, and loss of ecosystem services. It is a challenge for the reclamation process, so various efforts are being made to increase its effectiveness. In general, the effectiveness is only partially assessed because it looks for convenience but does not consider the follow-up impact. This study aims to inventory the types of plants that are commonly found in post-coal mining areas. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach through a literature review and desk study. At least 21 species of trees are the most widely planted for the reclamation process. Among these 21 species, only 14.3 percent are native species, while the other 85.7 percent are alien plants that have the potential to become invasive. Though invasive plants cause environmental damage and disrupt the stability of the bio-ecohydrological system. Therefore, a new approach to mine reclamation is needed for the preservation of the environment and the ongoing environmental services provided to humans and other living things


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