Karakteristik Madu Kelulut (Heterotrigona itama) dari Hutan Adat Ghimbo Pomuan Kabupaten Kampar

  • Eni Suhesti Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Hadinoto Hadinoto Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Eno Suwarno Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: Stingless bee, physical chemical properties of honey, honey quality standard


Information about the characteristics of honey on the market, including kelulut honey, is not widely known by consumers, even though the characteristics or quality of honey that meet quality standards is very important for consumers. This study aims to 1) test the characteristics of kelulut honey (Heterotrigona itama) from Ghimbo Pomuan Customary Forest, Kampar Regency, 2) compare the characteristic parameters of kelulut honey with standard values in SNI 8664-2018. The procedure for testing the characteristics of honey refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) 8664─2018. Data analysis was carried out descriptively. The results showed that the characteristics of kelulut honey in the study had a distinctive smell and taste of honey, enzyme activity above 0 DN, Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) <0.0015 mg/kg, water content 29% w/w, reducing sugar 54.27% w/w, sucrose 1.31% w/w, acidity 201.91 mL NaOH/kg, water-insoluble solids 0.04% w/w, ash 0.30% w/w, lead contamination (Pb) 0.71 mg/w kg, and cadmium (Cd) contamination <0.16 mg/kg. Variable characteristics of kelulut honey that meet the quality incision values of SNI 8664─2018, namely HMF, sucrose, water-insoluble solids, ash, lead metal and cadmium metal contamination. The characteristic variables that do not meet the quality requirements are the activity of enzymes above, reducing sugars, water content, and acidity.


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