Kajian Sistem Agroforestry untuk Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan di KPH Yogyakarta dan di Lahan Masyarakat Desa Sriharjo Bantul

  • Maria Wiwidiati Mahasiswa Fakultas Kehutanan INSTIPER Yogyakarta
  • Rawana Fakultas Kehutanan INSTIPER Yogyakarta
  • yuslinawari Institut Pertanian Stiper (INSTIPER) Yogyakarta
Keywords: agroforestry, food security, agroforestry cropping pattern, income


Through the agroforestry farming system, which is able to overcome food problems due to land use change for communities or farmers living in areas around the forest, KPH Yogyakarta provides space for the community to be involved in KPH land management by allocating land to be managed together. The purpose of this study was to determine the same types of plants in the dry season and rainy season, to determine the planting pattern of agroforestry, and to determine the income of the community from agroforestry land. This research was conducted at KPH Yogyakarta and communal forest in Sriharjo Bantul village. The method is purposive sampling which has primary data by structure and composition of vegetation then use SEXI FS program and questionnaires in interviews and secondary data. The research was conducted in February-March 2023. The results showed that three types of crops in RPH Kepek and Pengkol, Bantul. The pattern of agroforestry land in KPH Yogyakarta (RPH Kepek) is alley cropping while the planting pattern in Pengkol, Bantul is random mixture. The income of RPH Kepek’s farmer is Rp 135,046, 729 with a total 10.7 ha and in Pengkol Bantul is Rp 2,382.22 with a total 1.35 ha area.


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