• Hanifah Ikhsani Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: NDVI, TWA Sungai Dumai, Vegetation density


TWA Sungai Dumai is a tourist forest area and ensuring the preservation of natural potential. However, there are problems that can disrupt the sustainability of it, including forest and land fires and conversion of land use to agriculture and oil palm plantations. Until now, there is no vegetation analysis using satellite imagery in TWA Sungai Dumai, so it is important to do so that can be managed sustainably. This study  classification of vegetation density classes which are presented in the form of a vegetation density class map in it. This research uses Landsat-8 OLI / TIRS images from October 2017 and October 2020 which are processed to determine density class using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index algorithm. The vegetation density class with the highest area in 2017 was the vegetation density class (2380,832 ha or 66,819% of the total area), while the lowest area was the non-vegetation class (75,737 ha or 2,126% of the total area). The vegetation density class with the highest area in 2020 in TWA Sungai Dumai is dense vegetation density class (3205,039 ha or 89,950% of the total area), while the lowest area is non-vegetation class (1,637 ha or 0.046% of the total area)


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