• Hanifah Ikhsani Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Muhammad Ikhwan Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Ika Lestari Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: Forest and Land Fires, Fire Vulnerability, KHDTK Buluh Cina


The phenomenon of forest fires is the biggest threat and has an important role in natural damage, especially to plants in nature. There are several elements that support the occurrence of forest and land fires including the human element, high temperature, vegetation composition and others. The level of vulnerability to forest and land fires is very much needed by decision makers in forest and land fire control activities, especially in the Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK) of the Buluh Cina educational forest, Kampar. This study aims to classify land cover using UAV and map the level of forest and land fire susceptibility classes in KHDTK Buluh Cina. The method used is exploration and UAV image processing. First, land cover classificationusing UAV, then each variable is classified which consists of land cover, soil type, rainfall, altitude, distance from settlements. The next step is to make a map of forest and land fire susceptibility classes. The level of forest fire vulnerability in the Buluh Cina KHDTK is divided into two classes, namely high and very high. The area of ​​the very high fire susceptibility class is 47.57 ha and the high hazard level has an area of ​​21.26 ha.


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