Agroforestry Management in KPH Bacan Community Empowerment Block South Halmahera Regency

  • Mahdi Tamrin Adhy Universitas Khairun
  • Abdul Kadir Kamaluddin Universitas Khairun
Keywords: Agroforestry, Block Empowerment, Management Pattern


Agroforestry is defined as an integrated land use system by taking into account social, ecological and economic aspects through a combination of forestry plants with agricultural crops and livestock together so that from one unit of land optimal and sustainable production can be obtained. The objectives of this study (1) are to identify agroforestry management patterns in the Bacan KPH Empowerment Block, (2) to develop a strategy for managing and developing agroforestry in the Bacan KPH empowerment block. Data collection was carried out by field observations on deliberately selected agroforestry lands. Strategic analysis of agroforestry management was carried out using SWOT analysis. This step was carried out to analyze the agroforestry management and development strategy in the Bacan Model FMU empowerment block, Papaloang Village, South Bacan District. The results showed that the type of agroforestry managed by farmers in the Bacan KPH empowerment block in Papaloang Village, South Bacan District is a complex type of agroforestry because it consists of two or more plant groups. The management of agroforestry by farmers uses the experience gained from generation to generation. The management system is carried out traditionally starting from land preparation, seed preparation, planting, maintenance, harvesting and post-harvest processing to marketing. Calculation of the IFAS and EFAS matrices, agroforestry management in the KPH empowerment block is in quadrant I (0.40; 0.25). This quadrant describes a situation that is very profitable in doing business.


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